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Articles: Android

##Android UI Design with XML

Android UI Design with XML

##Build a Complete eCommerce Application: Android Marshmallow

Build a Complete eCommerce Application: Android Marshmallow

##Build robust apps with Android app architecture

Build robust apps with Android app architecture

##Building Adaptive Android Apps with Fragments

Building Adaptive Android Apps with Fragments

##Firebase and Android Pie

Firebase and Android Pie

##Google Firebase for Android First Look

Google Firebase for Android First Look

##Hands-On Android Application Components: Services and Fragments

Hands-On Android Application Components: Services and Fragments

##how to create complete video player for android

how to create complete video player for android

##Learn Android Volley:Manipulating Databases Using PHP and MySQL

Learn Android Volley:Manipulating Databases Using PHP &MySQL

##Learning Android Studio Course

Learning Android Studio Course

##Mastering Kotlin for Absolute Beginners

Mastering Kotlin for Absolute Beginners

##The Complete Android Java Bootcamp Material Design UI/UX

The Complete Android Java Bootcamp Material Design UI/UX

001 Java Android Program to Build a Simple Android Application
Welcome to android application developement using java , this class teaches you how to successfully build your first android application using eclipse. Before you go on with this class you must ensure that you have your developement environment set up , for ensuring this you need to have the following : 1.Download the Android SDK. 2.Install the ADT plugin for Eclipse (as we will be using eclipse as our ide). 3.Download the latest SDK tools and platforms using the SDK Manager. If you haven’t already done these tasks, start by downloading the Android SDK and follow the installing steps once you have all this you are ready to begin with this class.

002 Java Andorid Program to Demonstrate Usage of String.xml File
Here is source code of the Program to Demonstrate Usage of String.xml File in Android. The program is successfully compiled and run on a Windows system using Eclipse Ide. The program output is also shown below. Ever wondered whenever u create an application and in the activity_main.xml u get a hello world text view in this layout , now if u see the text that is to this component it is android:text="@string/hello_world" but the text that u see is Hello World , this is because the following hello_world is defined in ur strings.xml which is in res/values , this is very the magic really happens , u can define array in this xml file and use later in ur activity.The following code also demonstrates this.

003 Java Andorid Program to Demonstrate Activity Life Cycle
Here is source code of the Program to Demonstrate Activity Life Cycle in Android. The program is successfully compiled and run on a Windows system using Eclipse Ide. The program output is also shown below.
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