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Android MCQ

1. Which is  the incorrect explanation of an Activity
A) If another Activity is instantiated when Activity is executed, onPause() will be executed

B) When the Activity is displayed in the foreground, onResume() will be executed

C) When the Activity is displayed again, onRestart() will be executed instead of onStart()

D) When the Activity returns from an onPause(), it sometimes can execute from onCreate()

2. Which of these is the incorrect explanation of the androiddebuggable attribute of the AndroidManifest.xml <application> tag?
A) if not set, it will be handled as "false"

B) It is necessary to set this to "true" in order to  use Eclipse's breakpoint function

C) The android debuggable setup value can be read by an application

D) When releasing the application, deleting android debuggable is recommended


3. Which of these is the correct interface definition used to bind to a Service?





4. Which configuration file holds the permission to use GPS
A) Layout file

B) Manifest file

C) Source file

D) Property file


5. Which of these is the correct explanation of BroadcastReceiver
A) The process which BroadcastReceiver makes active will be protected so that it cannot be force-quit

B) BroadcastReceiver will only be assumed active when executing getReceive()

C) BroadcastReceiver notifies the source of optional processing results based on the broadcast contact(s)

D) BroadcastReceiver displays a user interface


6. Which of these is the correct explanation of MenuItem interface
A) The MenuItem instance will be returned by the Menu class add(...) method

B) MenuItem can decode the intent issued when clicking menu components

C) MenuItem can display either an icon or text

D) MenuItem can set a check box


7. Which of these is the correct file name of the NinePatch image created from a PNG using draw9Patch
A) sample-9.png

B) sample_9.png

C) sample.png

D) sample.9.png


8. Which of these is not defined as a screen display state
A) Visible

B) Foreground

C) Background

D) Non-visible


9. Which of these is the incorrect folder as a folder that is created automatically after completion
A) dat

B) gen

C) res

D) src

10. Which of these is the correct explanation of an XML layout file
A)  In order to display a UI in the XML layout file "main.xml", call the setContentView method of the Activity with the parameter string "Bmain.xml"

B) There is no distinction between implementation of the layout definition by code or by XML layout file

C) In an Eclipse project using the ADT plugin, the XML layout file is  found in the /res/layout directory

D) Layout information written in the XML layout file will be converted into code by the Android platform when the screen is displayed

11. The DalvikVM core libraries are a subset of which of these
A) Java ME

B) Java SE

C) Java EE

D) Doja

12. When creating the following Android Project, which is the correct combination (1)~(3) to add to the AndroidManifest.xml?
A) (1)package="jp.oesf.sample" (2)android:name="jp.oesf.sample.MainActivity" (3)<uses-sdk-android:minSdkVersion="6"/>

 B) (1)package="jp.oesf.sample" (2)android:name="MainActivity" (3)<uses-sdk-android:minSdkVersion="4"/>
C) (1)package="jp.oesf.sample" (2)android:name="MainActivity" (3)<uses-sdk-android:minSdkVersion="6"/>
D) (1)package="jp.oesf.sample" (2)android:name="MainActivity" (3)<uses-sdk-android:minSdkVersion="6"/> Answer(C)

13. Which language is not supported in the Android Scripting Environment (ASE)
A) Perl

B) JScript

C) Lua

D) BeanShell

14. Which of these correct description of file access?
A) Generally, files are handled as dedicated per each application

B) Files created by an application can be directly accessed by any application

C) The content of file created by application cannot be accessed by other application

D) In order to access a file, the open FileStream method is provided in the Context class

15. The following code is a part of an Activity class to create a dialog. Which is the Activity class method used to display this dialog?
01. @Override

 02. protected Dialog onCreateDialog(int id) {

 03. return new AlertDialog.Builder(this).setMessage("message").create()

 04. }


 A) void createDialog()

B) void createDialog(int id)

C) void show()

D) void showDialog(int id)

16. Which of these is the correct method to persist SharedPreferences
A) XML file

B) SQLite

C) json file

D) Java object

17. Which of these is the incorrect explanation of the Java Native Interface (JNI)
A) JNI does not provide garbage collection on the native side, outside the memory resources of the Java Virtual Machine

B) Even if native code is used with JNI, it does not necessarily mean an improvement in the application processing speed

C) A Java exception can be generated from a native method, but it cannot be caught on the Java side

D) Header files generated on the Java side are included and implemented in the native (C/C++) side source completion

18. Which of these is called after the end of each test method of ActivityInstrumentation TestCase2, a class which provides the unit Activity function tests? 
A) runTest

B) tearDown

C) setUp

D) setActivtyIntent

19. Which is the correct explanation of ListView?
A) It is necessary to use ListView as a set with ListActivity

B) There is a function in ListView which displays a message when there is no information to be displayed

C) When displaying an array using an Adapter class in ListView, it is necessary to convert it into a Collection class

D) ListView has a function to display a list of uniquely defined Views other than TextView

20. Which of these Activity class methods must be overridden when creating a Menu that is displayed when the device's Menu button is pressed?
A) onCreateContextMenu

B) onMenuOpened

C) onCreateOptionsMenu

D) openOptionsMenu

21. Which approval is necessary to execute Bluetooth actions such as connection requests, connection




22. Which class is used when a sensor is accessed?
A) SensorEventListner

B) SensorEvent

C) SensorManager

D) Sensor

23. Which of these is the incorrect explanation of Toast class?
A) Toast is a simple class for display, and cannot be set with a custom XML-defined layout

B) The display duration time of Toast can be chosen from 2 types, LENGTHJjDNG and LENGTH_SHORT

C) Toast is a class included in the android  widget package

D) Since Toast automatically closes after display a dismiss() method is not provided.

24. A ContentProvider does Android  not provide as a standard
A) A telephone log

B) A database

C) A bookmark

D) A contact list

25. Which of these is the incorrect explanation of SQLite?
A) There are 5 types of data type stored in column: Null, integer, Real, Text and Blob

B) There are restrictions on some functions of SQLite loaded on Android

C) It has transaction administration function and it is designed so that the storage is locked after commencing transaction

D) SQLite is a database that saves data in a single file

26. Which  of these is not recommended in the Android  Developers Guide as a method of creating an individual view?
A) Create by extending the android view View class

B) Create by extending already exisiting View classes such as Button or TextView

C) Create by copying the source of an already existing View class such as Button or Text View

D) Create by combining multiple Views

27. Which  of the following is the incorrect explanation regarding the private key when an application is published
A) RSA cannot be used as the encryption algorithm for key creation

B) Can be created by using keytool

C) The debug key created by the SDK tool cannot be used

D) Can store several keys in 1 key store file.

28. Which of these is the incorrect method setup when playing a video using a MediaPlayer?

A) setDataSource sets the path for the data you want to play

B) setDisplay sets the SurfaceView object you want to associate

C) setAudioStreamType sets the type, chosen from those defined in AudioManager

D) setLooping sets the player repeat to ON/OFF

29. When executing android content Context openFileOutput("sample.txt",0), which path is the file stored in?
A) /data/app/<package name>/files

B) /data/data/<package name>/files

C) /system/app/<package name>/files

D) /system/data/<package name>/files

30. Which is written in the red frame of the following figure, a manifest file, to show the version number
A) android:version-"4"

B) android:versionCode="4"

C) android:versionName="4"

D) android:minSdkVersion-"4"

31. Which of these is the correct explanation of the UI/Application Exerciser Monkey (Monkey tool)?
A) It can execute tests covering all events

B) It can execute stress tests and sometimes discover new bugs

C) Even if an error is discovered, it cannot repeatedly reproduce the same operating state

D) Since it reduces the interval between events as much as possible, it operates in a heavly-loaded state

32. Which of the following dialogs is displayed at the time of executing the given code? (Assume no problems in the rest of the application)

01. AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);

02. builder.setTitle("Color");

03. builder.setSingleChoiceItems(new String[]{"Red","Green","Blue"},1,null);

04. AlertDialog dialog = builder.create();


A) Option a

B) Option b

C) Option c

D) Option d

33. Which of these is the incorrect explanation of the Android SDK and AVD Manager?
A) They are provided from version 1.6 of the SDK. Upto version 1.5 there was an AVD Manager but it lacked SDK management functionsB) You can create and startup AVD, and on startup you can delete user data up to that pointC) The android command can be used if "<SDK install folder>/tools" is added to the command pathD) The development tools that can be downloaded from Android SDK and AVD Manager are SDK platform, NDK-platform, emulator images, and USB drivers for handsets

34 Which is the correct explanation of the Foo java source code?
01: class Foo {02: private native String bar(String s, int i, int j)


04: public static void main (String[] args) {

05: Foo foo = new Foo();

06: String str ="Jni Problem", 2, 3);

07: System.out.println(str);

08: }


10: static {

11: System.loadlibrary("Foo");

12: }

13: }

A) Since mapping will occur to C/C++ int must be declared as jint

B) String which is a reference type, cannot be used in the native method

C) Visibility cannot be declared as private in the native method

D) The compile will succeed without problems

35. Which of these is the correct explanation regarding the following methods?
(1) android   content Context sendBroadcast

(2) android content Context startActivity;

A) Both methods are defined by overloading

B) Both methods throw an exception

C) Both methods are asynchronous

D) Both methods are able to broadcast an Intent

36. Which of these is the incorrect role for an intent
A) Start an Activity

B) Start a BroadcastReceiver

C) Start a ContentProvider

D) Start a Service

37. Which is not included in the Android application framework
A) WindowManager

B) NotificationManager

C) DialerManager

D) PackageManager

38. The emulator supports mounting disk image files instead of an SD card. Which is the correct creation method of this?
A) mksdcard -l 2048 mysd.img

B) mksdcard -create -l mysd 2048 mysd.img

C) mksdcard -create -l mysd 2GB mysd.img

D) mksdcard mysd 2048MB mysd.img

39. Which of these is the incorrect explanation of layoutopt?

A) It is  a tool used on the command line and does not have GUIB) It helps optimize application layout and layout hierarchyC) It operates on the layout filesD) It can be used as an SDK tool from revision 4 and later

40 Which of these is the correct explanation of the Android Interface Definition Language?
A) It enables data exchange between different applications

B) You cannot use Java primitive types as method parameters

C) Multiple methods can be defined in on AIDL file

D) It provides an environment for executing script languages

41 Which of these is the incorrect package which holds classes needed for Android network connections?

B) org.apache.http

C) android location


42 Which shows the correct Android Architecture?
A) (1) Linux Kernel (2) Application framework (3) Library (4) Android runtime (5) Application

B) (1) Linux Kernel (2) Android runtime (3) Library (4) Application framework  (5) Application

C) (1) Android runtime (2) Linux Kernel  (3) Library (4) Application framework   (5) Application

D) (1) Linux Kernel (2) Library  (3)Android runtime  (4) Application framework  (5) Application

43 The following code is a part of a program which sends a status bar notification. Which is the correct to put in (1) so that it will automatically cancel the notification after it occurs?
01 Notification notification = new Notification(icon, tickerText, when)

02 notification.setLatestEventInfo(context, contentTitle, contentText, contentIntent)

03 (1)

04 notficationManager.notify(1, notification)


A) notification.flags != Notification.FLAG_INSISTENT

B) notification.flags != Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL

C) notification.setFlags(Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL)

D) notification.setFlags(Notification.FLAG_INSISTENT)

44 Which of these is the incorrect explanation of ProgressDialog?
A) ProgressDialog inherits from the AlertDialog class

B) ProgressDialog can be set as 2 types of style STYLEJHORIZONTAL and STYLE_SPINNER

C) ProgressDialog is able to apply a custom XML-defined layout by using the setContentView(...) methodD) ProgressDialog can be freely configured to use a Drawable class to display as its progress bar


45 Which of these is the correct function of TraceView?
A) Displays a graphical task execution log

B) Displays graphically a memory acquisition and release log

C) Displays graphically the call stack

D) Displays graphically the UI state hierarchy

46. Which is the required plugin to develop Android  with Eclipse?





47 Which is the tool that creates certificates for signing an application?
A) adb

B) etc 1 tool

C) fastboot

D) keytoolRun the installer and log in as and select license id 3696681.


48 Which manifest file permission is necessary to read data from the standard installed address book?





49 Which component cannot receive an intent?
A) Service

B) Activity

C) ContentProvider

D) BroadcastReceiver


50 Which function is not supported by the "android" command?
A) The SDk Update function

B) Functions to create and edit and Android Virtual Device (AVD)

C) Startup function for Android SDK and the AVD Manager tool

D) Functions to create and delete an Android Project


51. Which is the permission added to the Android  Manifest File in order to access GPS?




52. Which of these is the correct precaution when publishing an application update to the Android Market?
A) The package name must be the same, but the apk may be signed with different private key

B) The package name does not have to be the same and the apk may be signed with different private key

C) The package name must be the same, but the apk may be signed with same private key

D) The package name does not have to be  the same, but the apk may be signed with same private key


53. Which of these is the correct way to configure access permissions?
A) Add a <uses-permission> tag as a child tag of the <manifest> tag in AndroidManifest.xml

B) Add a <permission> tag as a child tag of the <manifest> tag in AndroidManifest.xml

C) Add a <uses-permission> tag as a child tag of the <application> tag in AndroidManifest.xml

D) Add a <permission> tag as a child tag of the <application> tag in AndroidManifest.xml


54. Which of these is the incorrect explanation of the adb command?
A) The "adb start-server" command starts the adb server

B) The "adb devices" command lists connected handsets and devices

C) You can copy a file to the target with the  "abd copy" command

D) You can install an apk with "adb install" command


55. Which does not have a lifecycle?
A) Service

B) MediaPlayer

C) Content Provider

D) Activity


56. Which of these is the correct explanation of SQLite?
A) It is an object database

B) It is client-server format

C) It is possible to create and access a database by using SQLOpenHelper

D) It can be accessed by other applications through Content Provider


57. When reading videos from a resource which is the recommended Android storage location for video files?
A) /res/anim

B) /res/raw

C) /res/movie

D) /res/values

58. Which of these is  the correct processing necessary for data update notification at the time of creating and Individual ContentProvider and using it?
A) In the update method of the ContentProvider class, notify by calling the ContentResolver.setNotificationUri method

B) In the update method of the ContentProvider class, notify by calling the Cursor.notifyChange method

C) In the update method of the ContentProvider class, notify by calling the ContentResolver.notifyChange method

D) In the update method of the ContentProvider class, notify by calling the Custor.setNotificationUri method

59. Which of these is the incorrect explanation of Traceview?
A) In order to create Tracefile you must write methods specifying the starting and ending positions of the part to be profiled

B) Since Tracefiles are saved on SD cards, the developer must specsify a filename

C) Traceview is one of the tools of  the SDK and can be used from the command line on DDMS

D) Since Traceview cannot use tracefiles as is a development machine with adb must be used


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