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Cloud Management Products

1. When you deploy an application on Google’s PaaS App Engine cloud service, the Administration Console provides you with the which of the following monitoring capabilities ?
a) View data and error logs
b) Analyze your network traffic
c) View the application’s scheduled tasks
d) All of the mentioned





2. Point out the wrong statement:
a) In the cloud, the particular service model you are using directly affects the type of monitoring you are responsible for
b) In AaaS, you can alter aspects of your deployment
c) You can monitor your usage of resources through Amazon CloudWatch
d) None of the mentioned




3. Which of the following provides tools for managing Windows servers and desktops ?
a) Microsoft System Center
b) System Service
c) System Cloud
d) All of the mentioned




4. Which of the following is not phase of cloud lifecycle management ?
a) The definition of the service as a template for creating instances
b) Client interactions with the service
c) Management of the operation of instances and routine maintenance
d) None of the mentioned




5. Point out the wrong statement:
a) Google App Engine lets you deploy the application and monitor it
b) From the standpoint of the client, a cloud service provider is different than any other networked service
c) The full range of network management capabilities may be brought to bear to solve mobile, desktop, and local server issues
d) All of the mentioned




6. Which of the following is Virtual machine conversion cloud ?
a) BMC Cloud Computing Initiative
b) Amazon CloudWatch
c) AbiCloud
d) None of the mentioned





7. _______ is Microsoft’s cloud-based management service for Windows systems.
a) Intune
b) Utunes
c) Outtunes
d) Windows Live Hotmail




8. Which of the following is a virtualization provisioning system that will be rolled into Dell’s AIM ?
a) Dell Scalent
b) CloudKick
c) Elastra
d) All of the mentioned




9. Which of the following is used for Web site monitoring and analytics ?
a) Gomez
b) Ganglia
c) Elastra
d) None of the mentioned





10. Which of the following is used for performance management for virtualized Java Apps with VMware integration ?
a) Hyperic
b) Internetseer
c) RightScale
d) All of the mentioned









1. d
Explanation:However, you have almost no operational control.


2.  b
Explanation:In IaaS, you can alter aspects of your deployment.


3.  a
Explanation:Microsoft System Center is an example of how management products are being adapted for the cloud.



4.  d
Explanation:A management program has to touch on each of the six different stages in that lifecycle.



5.  b
Explanation:From the standpoint of the client, a cloud service provider is different than any other networked service.



6.  c
Explanation:BMC Cloud Computing Initiative is used for Cloud planning, lifecycle management, optimization, and guidance.



7.  a
Explanation:The management services include an Operations Manager, the Windows Service Update Service (WSUS), a Configuration Manager for asset management, a Data Protection Manager, and a Virtual Machine Manager, among other components.



8.  a
Explanation:AIM stands for Advanced Infrastructure Manager.



9.  a
Explanation:Ganglia is distributed network monitoring software.



10. a
Explanation:Internetseer is a Web site monitoring service.




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