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The General tab of EMS (Enterprise Message Service) instance in the TIBCO Administrator GUI is missing

Sometimes after adding TIBCO EMS to a TIBCO Administration domain, the General tab may not be showing when clicking the EMS service instance. The general table has the details server, queue, topic etc. This tab is missing because TIBCO Administrator cannot find EMS client libraries. The plugin needs EMS client libraries to work properly.

Please see the below workaround to fix the issue.

1. Check and Confirm JMS Administrator Plugins available under Administrator Plugins.

If it’s not showing the JMS Administrator Plugins, download the JMSAdmin.war file from folder[TIBCO-HOME]/administrator/[ver]/administrator-plugins and upload it through Administrator GUI. To upload go to.All Service Instances -> Click on the problematic Administrator service instance -> Plug-ins tab -> Add Once done, log out and login to see if General tabs available now.

2. Upload JMSAdmin.war file with different Implementation-Version.

Unzip the JMSAdmin.war file which we downloaded and open the JMSAdmin/META-INF/ file. Then, increase the last digit of the Implementation-Version. For example, change to Next, save the file, zip the whole directory and rename it back to JMSAdmin.war. Upload it through Administrator GUI.

If both steps didn’t fix the issue, perform the below steps.

For Windows Server

When running the traUpgradeManager command to update the EMS client libraries in [TIBCO-HOME], it will update all the TRA files present in [TIBCO-HOME]. When you create the domain the first time on a Windows machine, it creates the Windows_service for the Administrator_[Domain] and Hawkagent_[Domain] so you can start the Administrator and Hawk agent using Windows service. But when you update the TRA files with EMS libraries by running the traUpgradeManager command, it will only update the TRA files but not the Windows service. In this case, you manually have to update the Windows services for Administrator_[Domain] and Hawkagent_[Domain].

Go to [TIBCO-HOME]tradomain[DOMAIN] and add the below line to hawkagent_[DOMAIN].tra files. Do the same for [TIBCO-HOME]administratordomain[DOMAIN]bin>tibcoadmin_[DOMAIN].trafile.

tibco.env.EMS_HOME [TIBCO-HOME]/ems/[VER]

Linux Server

Run the below commands in the problematic administrator server. The traUpgradeManager utility is available under [TIBCO-HOME]/tra/[VER]/bin/

             -path [TIBCO-HOME]/administrator/domain/[DOMAIN]/bin/tibcoadmin_[DOMAIN].tra 
             -ems [TIBCO-HOME]/ems/[VER]
             -path [TIBCO-HOME]/tra/domain/[DOMAIN]/hawkagent_[DOMAIN].tra 
             -ems [TIBCO-HOME]/ems/[VER]

The entry will look likes the below image [Line.No 1]

After doing this, restart the Administrator and Hawk agent and you should be able to see the General tab in Administrator GUI.


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