Introduction to Scraper JavaScript
The following article provides an outline for Scraper JavaScript. A highly helpful method for gathering data from the Internet for presentation or analysis is web scraping using JavaScript. Data extraction from a website and input into a spreadsheet is data scraping tasks in javascript. The technique effectively allows a dedicated data scraper to gather plenty of data for analysis, processing, or presentation. Data scraping is obtaining data from a website and inserting data into a spreadsheet. The technique effectively allows a dedicated data scraper to gather plenty of data for analysis, processing, or presentation.
What is Scraper JavaScript?
An automated process called web scraping is utilized to collect data from websites. Obtaining product pricing and evaluating them against other e-Commerce sites is the feature of a scraper. Creating a search engine similar to Google, Yahoo, and the list continues.
Web scraping has more uses than you might realize. You can do whatever you want with the data after you learn how to extract it from websites.
A web scraper is a program that collects data from websites. You’re going to learn how to create JavaScript web scrapers.
Web scraping primarily consists of two components:
- Utilizing request libraries and a headless browser to obtain data.
- Analyzing the data to derive the precise information we need.
Why Use Scraper JavaScript?
- One of the most popular and simple-to-learn programming languages on the Internet is JavaScript.
- It enables website designers to incorporate sophisticated elements like dynamic content, scrolling video jukeboxes, interactive maps, etc.
- JavaScript is most likely used whenever a website acts other than simply displaying static data.
- In the following part, we will see creating your own Node.js web scraper application.
- This JavaScript runtime environment is cross-platform and quick, making it ideal for servers and desktop apps.
- It is well-liked because it makes it simple for users to create and run network applications.
How to Build a Web Scraper in JavaScript?
I assume Node is already set up; if not, see the NodeJS installation instructions.
Cheerio and node-fetch are JavaScript packages that will be used for web scraping.
Let’s configure the project using npm to use a third-party package.
Let’s see the procedures to finish our setup.
- Go to a directory you’ve created named web scraping.
- To start the project, type npm init into your terminal.
- In accordance with your preferences, respond to each question.
- Use the npm install node-fetch command to install the packages from now on.
Let’s have a look at the installed packages:
1. node-fetch
The window.fetch is added to the node js environment by the package node-fetch. It is beneficial to send HTTP queries and obtain the raw data.
2. cheerio
The Cheerio package parses the raw data and retrieves the required information. Cheerio and node-fetch are two JavaScript packages that work well for web scraping. Not every way that the packages offer will be shown to us. The web scraping process and the most effective techniques will be demonstrated.
How to Create Web Scraper JavaScript?
Please make sure you have all the tools necessary for the following procedure before you begin.
- Chrome or any other browser.
- VSCode or some other code editor.
- Npm and Node. Using one of the official Node.js source installers to install Node.js and NPM is the simplest method. When Node.js has been successfully installed, you can check that everything went according to plan by running node-v and npm-v in a new terminal window.
- Create a new folder for this project, launch a fresh terminal session, go to the new folder, and implement npm init-y there.
- In the newly created folder, run npm install axios.
- Run npm install cheerio in the project’s folder as you did before.
Please remember that things might be a little more complicated and that the tools I’ve picked for this guide might not work if you’ve decided to scrape a Single Page Application.
1. Select the page you wish to scrape
First, use Chrome or another web browser to view the page you wish to scrape. You must comprehend the layout of the website to correctly scrape the data.
2. Examine the website’s source code
After you’ve logged in, try to envision what a typical user might do. By clicking on the posts on the home page, you may read the comments, rate a post positively or negatively based on your preferences, or even arrange them chronologically by day, week, month, or year.
3. Form the code
Let’s create a new file called index.js, then type or simply copy the lines below:
const axios=require("axios");
const cheerio=require("cheerio");
const fetchTitles=async() => {
try {
const response=await
const html =;
const $ = cheerio.load(html);
const title_names = [];
$('div > p. title_names> a').each((_idx, el) => {
const title_name = $(el).text()
return title_names;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
fetchTitles().then((title_names) => console.log(title_names));
4. Run the program/code
Simply enter node index.js in the terminal to launch it. You ought to see an array with all the post titles in it.
5. Keep the data you’ve extracted
You need to put the scraped data in a CSV file, a new database, or just a plain old array depending on your plan to use.
Importance of Scraper JavaScript
- Because JS is much faster than other languages, more pages can be stored in a shorter time.
- Not resource-intensive: JS scraping uses few resources and can be run in the background.
- Multiple environments: JS can be utilized as a fully functional server for page scraping using Node. js and it may be used as a simple automation script right from the console of your browser.
- Effective sales and marketing campaigns must be launched by businesses that wish to expand their consumer base and increase sales.
- Companies can use web scraping to collect the right contact details from their target market, such as names, job titles, email addresses, and telephone numbers.
A highly helpful method for gathering data from the Internet for presentation or analysis is web scraping using JavaScript.