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Flutter Artificial Intelligence Course ? Build 15+ AI Apps 2021-2

Flutter Artificial Intelligence Course – Build 15+ AI Apps 2021-2


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Flutter Artificial Intelligence Course – Build 15+ AI Apps is a project-based training course on the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning in flatter applications published by Yodmi. Flater Framework is a powerful platform for the development of cross-platform applications, released in 2015. Flatter allows developers to output from a specific codebis for different operating systems and platforms and publish their applications on Windows, Linux, Android and even unlimited web space. The emergence of new technologies such as machine learning, deep learning and artificial intelligence has also greatly changed the development space of Android applications, and new libraries and frameworks such as TensorFlow Lite allow developers to use machine learning techniques and AI-based systems in mobile applications and create a new experience for their users.

During this training, you will participate in the design and development process of 15 different ups and learn valuable skills. TensorFlow Lite Free framework is open source and free deep learning that can add new functionality to Android applications. TensorFlow Lite includes a range of functional tools and modules, allowing developers to develop learning models in mobile applications, IoT-based systems, embedded systems, etc. to use. Firebase is also a reliable successor to the library and you will use it in the development of three different projects. Deep learning is one of the unique functions of artificial intelligence that limits brain activity and human intelligence in the process of data processing and can be used in object recognition, facial recognition, image classification, translation, machine decision making, etc. He used it.

What you will learn in flutter artificial intelligence course – Build 15+ AI Apps:

  • Design and implementation of techniques and systems based on artificial intelligence and deep learning in mobile applications
  • Different machine learning models
  • Principles and principles of artificial intelligence and various subcategories of this field
  • Converting AI-based ideas into the ultimate Android and OOS application
  • Implementation of natural language processing algorithms (NLP) in mobile ups
  • Implementation of Torsional Neural Network (CNN) in Mobile Ups
  • Optical Character Recognition
  • Familiarity with different types of artificial neural networks and application of each

Course Specifications

Publisher: Yodmi
Modarres: Coding Cafe
Language: English
Education Level: Introductory to Advanced
Number of Courses: 95
Duration: 8 hours and 55 minutes



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