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C++ Program to Find Second Smallest of n Elements with Complexity Constraint

C++ Program to Find Second Smallest of n Elements with Complexity Constraint



C++ Program to find second smallest of n elements with given complexity constraint.


Problem Description

1. Traverse the data array linearly and find the second smallest element.
2. The time complexity of the algorithm is O(n).



Problem Solution

1. Linearly traverse the data array.
2. Keep track of the smallest number.
3. Simultaneously keep updating the second smallest number also.
4. Exit.



Program/Source Code

C++ program to find second smallest of n elements with given complexity constraint.
This program is successfully run on Dev-C++ using TDM-GCC 4.9.2 MinGW compiler on a Windows system.




using namespace std;
// A function to calculate second.
int SecondSmallest(int *a, int n)
	int s, ss, i;
	// A variable 's' keeping track of smallest number.
	s = a[0];
	// A variable 'ss' keeping track of second smallest number.
	ss = a[0];
	// Traverse the data array.
	for(i = 1; i < n; i++)
		// If array element is lesser than current 's' value then update.
		if(s > a[i])
			ss = s;
			s =  a[i];
		// Otherwise the number can be second smallest number so check for the condition and update 'ss'.
		else if(ss > a[i])
			ss = a[i];
	// Return second smallest number.
	return ss;
int main()
	int n, i;
	cout<<"Enter the number of element in dataset: ";
	int a[n];
	// Take input.
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
		cout<<"Enter "<<i+1<<"th element: ";
	// Print the result.
	cout<<"\n\nThe second Smallest number of the given data array is: "<<SecondSmallest(a, n);
	return 0;
Program Explanation

1. Assign the data to the array.
2. Call SecondSmallest() function with ‘arr’ the array of data and number of elements, in the argument list.
3. Assign variable ‘s’ and ‘ss’ as the first element of the array.
4. Traverse the array.
5. Check if the value of s is larger than current array element, update the variable ‘s’.
6. Otherwise, check if the value of ss is larger than current array element, update the variable ‘ss’.
7. Return ss as the second smallest element, to the main().
8. Print the result.
9. Exit.

Runtime Test Cases
Enter the number of element in dataset:10
Enter 1th element: 23
Enter 2th element: 69
Enter 3th element: 586
Enter 4th element: 241
Enter 5th element: 329
Enter 6th element: 223
Enter 7th element: 652
Enter 8th element: 9
Enter 9th element: 121
Enter 10th element: 16
The second Smallest number of the given data array is: 16


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