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Organisational Management in SAP HR Tekslate

Organisational Management in SAP HR Tekslate



Organisational Management

-Model the functional organizational structure (dept hierarchy for example) as well as the reporting structure of your enterprise as an organizational plan.

-Analyze the current org plan according to your requirement

-Create further organizational plans as planning scenarios in order to simulate new structures in the frame work of Business process (Re-) Engineering.

-Create effective work flow Management by accessing the reporting structure

You can maintain your Organization plan in Organization Management using a number of different interfaces.

-Organization Management:- Includes various user group – specific modes and views with which to edit organizational plans.

-Organization & Staffing:- Provides an intuitive interface for creating and editing organizational plan.

-General Structure:- Allows you to edit organizational plans with any structures including object types which you have defined yourself.

-Matrix View:- For creating and editing matrix structure.

-Infotype Maintenance:- Allows you to edit the characteristics of various objects and their relationships via infotypes.

-Simple Maintenance:- Provides an overview of object and structure editing.

-Structural Graphics:- Enable you to view objects and structures, and person a variety of maintenance activities for the objects in graphical format.



Plan Versions:-

You can maintain any number of plan versions. Plan versions allow you to create several organizational plans in the system at the same time. You can simulate and compare various scenarios using plan versions.

One of these plan versions represents the active organizational plan, and is flagged as the active integration plan version. [PL0G PLOG1]

Object Types: There are 5 Basic object types ; each has its own object type key.


Org Unit (O):

Organizational units describe the various units in your enterprises that are usually structured according to tasks and functions.

E.g.:    Company Departments.


Jobs are general classifications for sets of tasks or functions that an employee is required to perform.

Positions (S):

Positions are specifications tied to organizational unit and are held by individual in the enterprise.

E.g.:    Sales Managers, HR managers

Cost Centers (K):

Cost centers can be related to Org. Units and Positions.


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Tasks (T): –

Tasks describe the responsibilities jobs & Positions

E.g.:    Job – Manager – Tasks – managers department – Coordinates meetings

Work Centers (A):-

Work centers describe the physical locations where tasks are performed.

E.g.:    Corporate office plant.

Other Object types:

Budget – BU              –         Designed to Org. Unit

Qualification – Q         –         Assigned to Persons, Jobs and Positions.

Object Relationships:

-You can create relationships between the individual elements in your organizational plan. There are different types of relationships as the types of connections between elements vary.

-The relationships between basic object types are defined in the standard SAP system and should not be changed.

-You can define your own relationships. The range AAA to ZZZ is reserved for relationships created by the customer.

-Relationships between objects are reciprocal. It a job describes a position, in turn, will be described by the job. These relationships are distinguished by the identification ‘A’ & ‘B’.

Technical identification of relationships:


A relationship may also be one-sided. Relationships to objects of an external object type (cost center in controlling for example ) are one-sided, that is, they only go in one direction.

Object relationships : Org Units

Object relationships: Jobs and Positions


-When a position is described by a job it will inherit certain characteristics of the job such as associated tasks. (Principle of inheritance).

-A job may describe several positions but a position may only be described by one job.


Other relationships between Positions

-A/B004 – “ is subordinate to /is disciplinary supervisor of “

-A/B005 – “Is subordinate to / is supervisor of”

-A/B210 – “ Substitutes with profile/ substitute with profile” (work flow)Capture.198

Object relationships : The organizational Plan

The relationships between the basic object types give rise to structures.

Eg:     Org. Unit



Object Characteristics:

Once you have created the structure along objects and relationships. You can assign additional characteristics to the objects.

Object Characteristics: Infotypes

Object characteristics are maintained in infotypes

Main Characteristics                         Egs

Object                                                                       Org unit, Position, Job

Relationship                                                             Belongs to , reports to

Additional Characteristics

Description                                    General Text

Cost Planning                    Cost elements

Address                             First Address, Second Address

Object Characteristics: Object ID

When an object is created, an object ID must be assigned

-Internal Number assignment [IN]: Automatic allocation of object ID by the system

-External Number Assignment[EX]: Allocation of object ID by an administrator.

Object Characteristics: Status


-Every infotype is assigned a status

-Objects can be created in either planned or active status

-You must assign a status to every object or infotype you create. You do not however have to use all the statuses. Many users use only the active status.

-Report RHAKTI00 lets you change the status of several objects at the same time.

Object Characteristics: Validity dates

Validity dates:

  • Allows you to define the life span of an object or infotype record.
  • Identify changes to your organization while retaining historical data.

Allows you to evaluate the organizational structure on key dates.

Object Characteristics: Time Constrains

Class 1:           Information must exist for the entire life cycle of the object but can be changed.

E.g.:                Object must have a short name. This information must exist uninterrupted, but can be changed.

Class 2:           Information is optional but can exist only once within a user – defined period.

E.g.:                A position may only have one vacancy infotype at a time.

Class 3:           Information is optional and the number of data records that can exist within a user – defined period.

E.g.:                Sales department can be related with number of positions simultaneously.

Class 3 with Additional Conditions:

                        Information is optional, and the number of data records that can exist within a user- defined period is dependent on the type of target object.

E.g.:                A position can be described by only one Job but by a number of tasks.


Navigation Overview:

Menu: Settings & Commands

Search Area :


Finding Area

Overview Area : Displaying / Maintaining


Object environment

Selection Area:


Selecting Objects

Detail Area: Displaying / Maintaining


Object Characteristics.


Infotype are accessed directly from object maintenance. Objects with various statuses can be maintained.

T Code: PP01 .

HR → OM → Expert Mode


Object:                        Validity period, status, object Abbreviation, Name

Relationships:            Relationship infotype allows you to define the relationships that exist between different objects.

Infotype Maintenance – Manually Create relationship.

Simple Maintenance-System automatically creates relationships

Structural Graphics-System automatically creates relationships

Description:               Allows you to append long text description

Vacancy:                    Allows you to identify position vacancies. A vacancy occurs when a position is not occupied either currently or at some point in the future but is to be occupied again.

                                    Positions cannot be flagged simultaneously as vacant and obsolete if a vacant position is flagged is obsolete, the vacancy is delimited at the start of the validity of the obsolete flag [minus one day].

                                    If you want to activate integration with recruitment you need to maintain vacancies using this infotype.

Obsolete:                    This infotype denotes positions that are no longs necessary but are still occupied. As soon as the position holder leaves the position a dialog box answers asking is you would like to admit.


For O.M users, simple maintenance is best used to establish the basics framework in organizational plan development.

Simple Maintenance uses a free structure, which allows you to create a basic frame work for organizational plans, using streamlined procedures.

Initial screens:

There are three main areas in simple Maintenance depending on whether you want to edit organizational structures, staff assignment or track profiles.

Change Organizational structure:

This screen allows you to build up and maintain the organizational structure for your organizational plan

Change Staff Assignments:

This screen allows you to identify the staff assignment required for an organizational plan.

Change Task profile:

This screen allows you to create maintain and view task profile for Org. units, jobs and positions.


You can work with simple Maintenance using one or two

Views: (i)        Over all view (ii)        Human Resources View

(i)         Overall View:

You can work with: tasks, standard tasks, work flow tasks, work flow templates and roles.

(ii)        Human resources view:

            You can only work with tasks and standard tasks.

Reporting Structure:

Refers to relationships between positions. Positions may be subordinate to other positions.

You can display a complete reporting structure using report ‘RHSTRU00’


Organizational Assignment

If integration is active the fields Org. Unit, Job, and Cost center in the Assignment are field from Organization management and accept no input.

Integration settings:

Group             Sem. —           Value —                     Description

PLOG1           ORGA                           X                  –           Integration Switch: Org. Mgmt

PLOG1           PRELI             99999999        –           Integration: Default Position

PLOG1           TEXTC              X                  –           Integration: Transfer short text of job

PLOG1           TEXTO              X                  –           Integration: Transfers short text of

                                                                                    Org. Unit

PLOG1           TEXTS                                    –           Integration: Transfer short text of


PLOG1           EVENB             X                  –           Enhanced Integration (X = On,

                                                                                    Space= Off)

PLOG1           EVCCC            02                  –           Master Data action: Company code


PLOG1           QUALI             A 032 Q        –           Integration Qualification / Personal


q     If you activate the PLOG1     ORGA switch you enable the following: Transfer to Personnel Admin of changes to object relevant for integration. [E.g.: Org. units, Positions, Jobs]

q     You must also set the integration plan version in the entry PLOG1 PLOG1. If you do not an integration plan version, integration is not active.

The following reports are relevant for the transfer of data from Org. management to Personnel Administration.

q     RHINTE00

q     RHINTE10

q     RHINTE20

q     RHINTE30

RHINTE 00:  If you have already HR Master Data, You must start the report ‘RHINTE00’.

RHINTE 10:  generate the required table enters in Personnel Admin for Org. Management Objected that are relevant for integration.

RHINTE 20:  Checks whether all of the objects relevant for integration exist in both personnel Administration and Org. Management.

RHINTE 30:  Transfer a persons Organization agreement (Positions , Org units) from Org. management to the Org. Assignment (IT0001) infotype of Personnel Administration.

Some Important Infotypes used:

Infotype                Infotype Text

1000                    Object

1001                    Relationships

1002                     Description

1003                     Department/Staff

1004                      Character

1006                      Restrictions

1007                      Vacancy

1008                      Account Assignment

1009                      Health Examinations

1010                      Authorities and Resources

1011                      Work Schedule

1013                      Employee Group/Subgroup

1014                      Obsolete

1015                      Cost Planning

1016                      Standard Profiles

1017                      PD Profiles

1018                      Cost Distribution

1019                      Quota Planning

1027                      Site Dependent Info

1028                      Address Infotype

1032                      Mail Address

1039                      Shift Group Infotype

1208                      SAP Organizational Object

1222                      General Attributes Maintenance


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