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Recruitment in SAP HR

Recruitment in SAP HR


Recruitment in SAP HR



            Basic Settings

                        Set up integration with other components

In this step, you set up integration between Recruitment and other components.

  1. Integration between Recruitment and Personnel Administration

Integration between Recruitment and Personnel Administration enables you to transfer data between the applicant and employee databases.

The integration of Recruitment to Personnel Administration affects the following areas:

Transfer employee data to the applicant database

You must make the necessary settings in this step (feature PRELR).

    • Transfer applicant data to the employee database

Transfer of applicant data to the employee database can either be carried out from Recruitment or from Personnel Administration.

You must make the necessary settings both in the  step in the implementation guide for Personnel Administration (feature PAPLI ) and in this step (feature PRELI).

Integration with Personnel Administration is set up using the following features:

  • Feature PRELI (Integration for internal applicants)

Feature PRELI is used to specify whether data on internal applicants can be read from the employee database and whether applicant data can be transferred from Recruitment to the employee database.

  • Feature PRELR (Integration of employees/applicants)

Feature PRELR is used to specify whether employee master data on reference employees, contact employees, and line managers can be read from the employee database.

  • Feature PAPLI (Integration between Personnel Administration and Recruitment)

Feature PAPLI is used to control whether applicant data is available within Personnel Administration.

If you run Recruitment and Personnel Administration in separate systems, you must import the employee master data on line managers into Recruitment at the start of customizing to ensure access to this data.

  1. Integration between Recruitment with Organizational Management

This integration enables you to administer your  vacancies using Organizational Management.

Note that integration to Recruitment is switched on when the following entries exist in the T775S0 (V_T77S0) view of Organizational Management.

Group sem.abbr. Value. abbr.
PLOGI PRELI 99999999
  1. Integration between Recruitment and Personnel Development

This integration enables you to adminster qualifications using Personnel Development. It also enables you to compare applicants’ qualifications with freely definable requirement profiles for a position. You set up Personnel Development and its integration to Recruitment in the Implementation Guide (IMG) of Personnel Development under . Note that the integration to Personnel Administration is switched on when the following entry exists in the T775S0 (V_T775S0) view of Personnel Development:

Group sem.abbr value abbr.




  1. Check the extent to which your company uses Personnel Administration, Organizational Management and Personnel Development. Discuss the subject so that these three modules of Human Resource Management can be integrated.
  2. Maintain feature PRELI, referring to the feature documentation.
  3. Maintain feature PRELR, referring to the feature documentation.
  4. Maintain feature PAPLI, referring to the feature documentation.
  5. Make the appropriate settings in the T775S0 view.Here there are two options:


Integration with Personnel Administration/Administrators



            Basic Settings

                        Create number ranges for applicant numbers

In this step you create the number range(s) for applicant number assignment with a corresponding number interval.

Applicant number assignment can be carried out internally or externally:

  • Internal number assignment

This means that the system assigns applicant numbers automatically.

  • External number assignment

Here the numbers are assigned by the user.


            Basic Settings

                        Choose number ranges

In this step you determine the number range(s) used to assign applicant numbers.

Number ranges are set using feature NUMAP (applicant number ranges). The decision tree of this feature enables you to select one or more of the number ranges for assigning applicant numbers set up in the previous step.


            Work Force Requirements and Advertising

                         Create Positions

            In this step you set up the positions available within your company.

A company’s workforce requirements are represented in the Recruitment system by means of vacancies created and maintained by the user. A user can only create a vacancy if the positions available within the company have already been set up.

The procedure for creating positions differs in the following two cases:

Recruitment is being used in conjunction with Personnel Planning and Development.

If this is the case, please create your positions by following the instructions in the implementation guide for “Organizational Management”.

Please note that positions created using Personnel Planning and Development are marked with a “P” in the PD column.

Recruitment is being used as a stand-alone system.

In this case, please create the required positions by following the instructions in this step or the step Create Positions in the implementation guide for Personnel Administration.

Whether you use Recruitment as a stand-alone system or in conjunction with Personnel Planning and Development, you must always choose object type “S” (position) when creating a position.


            Work Force Requirements and Advertising

                         Create Media

            In this step you create the media used by your company.

The medium serves two purposes in Recruitment:

  • It is used to classify all recruitment instruments.

For example, the recruitment instruments “Washington Post” and “New York Times” are classified under the medium “Press”.

  • It is also used to indicate the medium through which an unsolicited applicant came into contact with the company.

The applicant class is an attribute of the medium and indicates whether a medium is used to attract internal or external applicants.


Possible media include the following:


Employment agency

Personnel consultancies


            Work Force Requirements and Advertising

                         Create Recruitment Instruments

In this step you create the recruitment instruments the company uses.
Every job advertisement is published in a recruitment instrument. Recruitment instruments are classified according to the media used.

You can store a contact name and address key for each recruitment instrument. The address key can be used to store the address (of a contact) for a recruitment instrument in step “Create addresses for Recruitment Instruments”


Possible recruitment instruments include the following:

  • a particular regional/national newspaper
  • a particular personnel consultancy
  • the local employment office


            Work Force Requirements and Advertising

                         Create addresses for Recruitment Instruments

In this step you can create the addresses (of the contacts) for the recruitment instruments used in your company.

In addition to the postal address, you can also store a telephone and fax number and a department.

You must make a separate entry for each individual piece of address data (such as name, street). This entry must contain the address key of the recruitment instrument in the Address field and the key for the individual pieces of data in the Text ID field. The following keys may be entered for individual pieces of data in the Text ID field:

  • A – Name
  • B – Affix
  • C – Street/PO box
  • D – Postal code/City
  • E – District
  • F – Country
  • G – Telephone number
  • H – Fax number
  • I – Department


You must already have created an address key for the recruitment instrument by carrying out the instructions in the step “Create Recruitment Instruments”.


            Applicant Administration

                         Create Personnel Officer

 In this step you create your company’s personnel officers.

Personnel officers process the applications assigned to them according to their authorization from the Personnel Department.

Personnel officers for Recruitment must be created as part of administrator group APPL .


            Applicant Administration

                         Applicant Structure

                                    Create Applicant Groups

            In this step you create the applicant groups you require.

An applicant group is used, among other things, to carry out authorization checks.

An important attribute of the applicant group is the applicant class.


Possible examples of applicant groups include the following:

  • Employees with an unlimited contract
  • Employees with a temporary contract
  • Freelances
  • Trainees
  • Employees on temporary loanRequirementsYou should already have determined what kind of applicant structure you need with regard to the following:
    • Different kinds of processing for different applicants
    • Selection options for evaluations
    • Authorization check

    Applicant class


    Indicates whether an applicant group contains internal or external applicants.

    The following two applicant classes are used:

    “P” for internal applicants

    “AP” for external applicants


                Applicant Administration

                             Applicant Structure

                                        Create Applicant Ranges


    In this step you set up the required applicant ranges.

    The applicant range can be defined as you wish and is generally used to classify applicants either according to hierarchical or functional criteria.

    Uses of the applicant range include carrying out authorization checks.

    Unlike the employee subgroup and employee group, applicant ranges are not assigned to applicant groups.


    Possible applicant ranges include the following:

    • Hierarchical criteria:
    • Managers
    • Executive employees
    • Salaried employees
    • Specialists
    • Functional criteria:
      • Corporate management
      • Sales and Distribution
      • Marketing
      • Production


                Applicant Administration

                             Applicant Structure

                                        Create Unsolicited Application Groups

                In this step you create the required unsolicited application groups.

A candidate might either apply in response to an advertisement or file an unsolicited application without reference to an advertisement. Candidates who file unsolicited applications are assigned to an unsolicited application group during initial entry of basic data.

Unsolicited application groups classify unsolicited applicants and can be defined according to whichever criteria you choose to simplify your search for suitable candidates from among unsolicited applications.

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You might, for example, choose to classify unsolicited applicants according to the activity within the company for which they are applying.

Each unsolicited application group must be assigned a personnel officer who is responsible for it. This assignment means that the system can automatically assign a personnel officer to each unsolicited applicant on initial data entry.

One personnel officer can be responsible for more than one unsolicited application group.


Examples of possible unsolicited application groups include the following:

  • Salaried, Sales and Distribution
  • Salaried, Research and Development
  • Salaried, Personnel Department
  • Hourly paid, Production
  • Hourly paid, Printing Works


            Applicant Administration

                        Applicant Selection

                                    Application Status

            Two types of selection procedure take place in the Recruitment system:

  • a global selection procedure
  • a selection procedure for each vacancy

Every applicant entered in the system takes part in the global selection procedure for a company. This selection procedure determines whether or not an applicant is of interest to the company. If this proves to be the case, i.e. the applicant is not rejected; he/she can then be included in one or more selection procedures for a vacancy. For this purpose, the applicant must be assigned to the vacancies in question.

You can make a decision at any point during either of these selection procedures as to whether the applicant continues to be of interest. Your decision is reflected in the applicant status, of which there are two types to correspond to the two types of selection procedure:

  • Overall status

Indicates an applicant’s current status (e.g. processingon holdto be interviewed) in the global selection procedure for the company.

  • Vacancy assignment status
  • Indicates an applicant’s current status (e.g. processingon holdto be interviewed) in the selection procedure for a particular vacancy.The overall status is assigned during initial entry of applicant data (applicant action Initial entry of basic data ) and must be present for each applicant at all times. The overall status indicates whether an applicant is currently included in one or more selection procedures (e.g. overall status processingon holdto be interviewed), or whether all the selection procedures in which he/she was included have been completed (overall status rejected or hired).An applicant receives a vacancy assignment status when he/she is assigned to a vacancy. If an applicant has more than one vacancy assignment, each of these has a vacancy assignment status.A selection procedure is completed when all applicants involved have been assigned the status rejected or hired.Recruitment            Applicant Selection                                    Application Status

                                                    Change Status Texts

    In this step you can overwrite the status texts for the overall status and vacancy assignment status with synonymous descriptions.

    Standard Settings

    The standard SAP system contains status keys 1 to 7 with accompanying status texts for overall statuses and vacancy assignment statuses.


    When an applicant is assigned a certain status the system usually processes him/her in a certain way according to this status. For this reason, please note the following:

    • Do not delete any of the existing entries.
    • Do not create any additional entries.
    • Do not change the meaning of the status texts.


                Applicant Selection

                                        Application Status

                                                    Create Status Reasons

                In this step you create the required status reasons.

  • You can specify one status reason for each overall status  for an applicant. The status reason indicates why an applicant has a particular overall status or vacancy assignment status.
  • The status reason can be given purely for information but can also be used by the system when creating  automatically:
  • The status reason specified for an overall status can be used to determine which standard text is assigned to the activity when the system creates it and thus which letter the applicant is to receive.ExampleThe status reason can be used to indicate why an application has been rejected:
    • Insufficient qualifications
    • No requirement
    • Rejection after selection procedure completed


Create the required status reasons, taking into account any different standard texts to be used for an applicant activity if this applies.


            Applicant Selection

                                    Application Status

                                                Set permissible status reasons for each applicant status

In this step you set the permissible status reasons for the individual applicant statuses.

If it is not necessary to provide further information on a certain applicant status by specifying a status reason, you do not need to make any entries for this status.


The applicant status “on hold” might be assigned status reasons such as “overqualified” and “no requirement”, while the status “rejected” might be assigned “insufficient qualifications” and “no requirement”.


You must already have created the necessary status reasons in the step create status reasons


            Applicant Selection

                                    Application Status

Set permissible vacancy assign statuses reasons for each overall status

In this step you determine which vacancy assignment statuses may be used in combination with each overall status.

The vacancy assignment statuses which may be combined with each overall status can be determined by means of feature STATU (consistency of overall status with vacancy assignment status).


You have assigned an applicant to several vacancies. During one of the selection procedures the applicant was offered a contract so that his/her overall status is now Contract offered . It should not now be possible to invite the applicant for an interview during the selection procedure for one of the other vacancies.


            Applicant Selection

                                    Application Status

                                                Create priorities for vacancy assignment

            In this step you can create the priorities for vacancy assignment.

If an applicant is not rejected for the entire company, he/she can take part in selection procedures for one or more vacancies. An applicant must be assigned to any vacancies in whose selection procedures he/she is being included and if there are more than one of these assignments, each one must be given a different priority. If an applicant is only assigned to one vacancy, the assignment is automatically given a priority of one.

An applicant’s vacancy assignments are stored in info type 4002, Vacancy Assignment . The priorities are defined as subtypes of the infotype.

Standard Settings

The standard SAP system contains nine different vacancy assignment priorities, numbered in ascending order.


  1. Create any further priorities you require.
  2. Delete existing priorities if necessary.
  3. Change the vacancy assignment priority texts if necessary.


            Applicant Selection

                                    Application Actions

In this step you make the necessary system settings for the Applicant Actions transaction.

The term “applicant action” is used in two senses in Recruitment. These are:

  1. The Applicant Actions transaction

The Applicant Actions transaction enables you to perform system-controlled operations (applicant action types) which change the applicant’s overall status (e.g. hire applicant). Each operation can be assigned a sequence of infotypes which are processed one after the other in the course of the action.

  1. Infotype 4000, Applicant Actions

When the Applicant Actions transaction is carried out, a new record for the applicant is usually added to infotype 4000, Applicant Actions . The key of the action carried out, as well as the status reason, if necessary, are recorded in the infotype. The applicant’s overall status (e.g. processing, invite, to be hired) is also recorded here.


            Applicant Selection

                                    Application Actions

                                                Change Info groups

            To control the Applicant action transaction, you must first create the info group.

Standard Settings

The standard info group settings cover most of the process flows required in Recruitment.

You can only add infotypes to the info groups which are intended for Recruitment. In addition to the infotypes specifically for Recruitment, the system also includes the following:

  • Organizational assignment (0001)
  • Personal data (0002)
  • Addresses (0006)
  • Bank details (0009)
  • Qualifications (0024)
  • Previous employment (0023)
  • Education (0022)


The info group for the hiring action in employee master data may contain only the following infotypes:

  • Organizational assignment (0001)
  • Personal data (0002)
  • Addresses (0006)
  • Bank details (0009)
  • Applicant Actions (Infotype 4000) 

The Applicant Actions infotype (4000) serves as a record of all applicant actions carried out for an applicant. These applicant actions can be:

  • Data entry procedures (e.g. Initial entry of basic dataEnter additional data )
  • Procedures that change the overall status of the applicant (e.g. Reject applicantPut applicant on hold )

The time constraint for this infotype is 1.

  • Applications (Infotype 4001) 

The Applications infotype (4001) is used to store information on whether an application was made in response to an advertisement, or is an unsolicited application.

A new data record of the Applications infotype (4001) is created for every application received from an applicant. Each record is linked to a specific point in time, that is, the start and end date of the record contain the date on which the application was received.

The time constraint for this infotype is 3.

  • Vacancy Assignment (Infotype 4002) 

You record the vacancies to which the applicant has been assigned in the Vacancy Assignment infotype (4002).

Assign the applicant to a vacancy. The applicant will then be included in the selection procedure for this vacancy. The applicant’s vacancy assignment status shows where the applicant is in the selection procedure.

You can assign one applicant to the selection procedures for several vacancies. If you do this, you have to assign different priorities to the vacancy assignments. There must also be a vacancy assignment status for each assignment for the applicant.

The time constraint for this infotype is 2.

  • Applicant Activities (Infotype 4003) 

You use the Applicant Activities infotype (4003) to enter the activities that have been created for an applicant.

Activities carried out for an applicant within a selection procedure are entered, logged and planned in the Recruitment system by means of applicant activities. In other words, applicant activities are administrative stages through which an applicant passes during the course of the application procedure. Correspondence with applicants is also handled by means of applicant activities.

You can only display applicant activities in applicant master data (you cannot edit them here). To create or change applicant activities, choose Applicant activity ® Maintain.

The time constraint for this infotype is 3.

  • Status of Applicant Activity (Infotype 4004) 

The Status of Applicant Activity (4004) infotype is a technical infotype that stores the status of the activities you have performed for the applicant.

One Status of Applicant Activity (4004) infotype record exists in the system for each applicant. This is created and updated automatically by the system.

You should not edit the Status of Applicant Activity (4004) infotype. The infotype displays the status of performed activities and supports you in effective searches for applicant data.

  • Education (Infotype 0022) 

You can store an employee or applicant’s educational details in infotype Education (0022).

If you want to depict an employee or applicant’s complete educational history, create the infotype record with the relevant educational period.

  • Contract Elements (0016) Infotype 

You can store all of an employee’s employment contract-related data in the Contract Elements (0016) infotype.

  • Employee’s Applicant Number (Infotype 0139) 

Store employees’ applicant numbers in the Employee’s Applicant Number infotype (0139).

Use the Employee’s Applicant Number (0139) infotype in Personnel Administration in the following cases:

  • An external applicant enters the company as an employee.
  • The internal applicant who is already a company employee occupies the vacant position
  • Applicant’s Personnel Number (Infotype 4005) 

You use the Applicant’s Personnel Number infotype (4005) to enter an internal applicant’s personnel number.

The system enters this number automatically in the corresponding Applicant’s Personnel Number infotype (4005) for all internal applicants. This means that it contains a data record for each internal applicant.

One Example of Total Procedure in the Recruitment Module:

Internal Number Range:

Applicant is being hired in the following screens with internal number range.






In the screen seen above you can see that the system has given a message stating that number 23 has been given to the applicant and it has come back to the same screen i.e., Initial entry of basic data. So with this the applicant has been hired. And he has been given a number from the internal range.

External Number range:




Create Personal Data



In the above screen it has come back to the initial entry of basic data screen as it has hired the applicant with the external number range.

Entering Additional Data:



Here I have assigned a position to the applicant with priority and status is by default “In Process” as per my tree STATU. And I gave one status reason.


After executing it comes back to the first screen like in other actions.

Adding Initial Data as well Additional Data simultaneously:


After entering data then choose the button “” in the above screen.



After giving full details it returns to the first screen as seen earlier.

The applicant is hired as well given additional data.

Putting Applicant on Hold:




Once saved, the applicant will be put on hold.

Creating Applicant Activities- Transfer File



Then after entering the applicant number then click on “Execute” button.


Click on “Create Completed Activity”


Here in the drop down menu select the activity “Transfer File”.

Enter the date and proceed.


This screen appears and now save your entries.

Creating the Follow up activity- File returned

Go to maintain-Applicant Activities and execute.


Position the cursor on the Completed Activity-Transfer File and choose “Follow up activities”.


Then the dialog box appears as shown above.

Select the activity “File Return” in the Planned Column. Then the following screen appears.


Then make necessary entries and save.

The next screen appears as given below:


The “File Returned” activity appears in the planned activities.

Inviting an applicant for interview:


Give necessary entries here.



Once saved the applicant is invited for interview.

To offer the applicant a contract:

To offer an applicant a contract you must set the applicant’s over all status and vacancy assignment status to “Contract Offered”. To do so follow the below given steps:



Give the vacancy and then execute.

The following screen appears:


Place the cursor on the applicant whom you want to hire and then click “Change Overall Status”.


So now enter the valid status and then proceed. Save and following screen appears.



And the following screen appears where in now the status of the person would be changed to “to be hired”.


Now the status is changed and we can hire this applicant.

Hiring an Applicant:

Preparing to hire an applicant:



Save your entries giving the date on which you want to hire this applicant.

Transferring the applicant data to Personnel Administration:

This can be done in two ways:

  1. Transfer data directly from Recruitment
  2. Transfer data directly via Personnel Administration

Transfer data directly from Recruitment:


Then in the following screen select the action “Transfer Applicant Data” in the field  “Action for Hiring”. Then execute.

Then it takes you to the following screen


Give necessary details here and then proceed further.


Here automatically the first name and last name have been taken by the system from Recruitment module. Save after giving necessary details.


So with this the applicant has now become an Employee.


So now it has been OK.


This applicant has now become an employee and has been assigned with a number.

  1. Transfer data directly via Personnel Administration.


Go here and select the action “Hire Applicant” and execute.

Direct data transfer screen appears.


Choose “Transfer” and then Create Actions screen appears as shown in the above scenario and carry out the action. And so the applicant would be hired as an employee in the PA module.


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