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Become a C Plus Plus Developer



C++ is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. It is used for everything from systems-level programming to mobile app development, and is a solid foundation for every programmer's skill set. Become a C++ developer with our expert-led tutorials.
Learn the fundamentals of programming with C++.
Explore solutions to common C++ programming challenges.
Build development environments, create applications, and program templates.


Programming Foundations: Algorithms with Joe Marini

Course Contents
  • Introduction : Algorithms power the world 1m 2s What you should know 1m 35s
  • Overview What are algorithms? 2m 44s Common algorithms in programming 5m 42s Measuring algorithm performance 3m 47s
  • Common Data Structures Introduction to data structures 1m 56s Arrays 2m 29s Linked lists 2m 36s Linked lists walkthrough 7m 35s Stacks and queues 2m 43s Stacks and queues walkthrough 6m 2s Hash tables 7m 59s
  • Recursion Understanding recursion 3m 38s Simple recursion example 3m 9s Power and factorial 4m 14s
  • Sorting Data Overview of sorting 2m 4s The bubble sort5m 8s The merge sort 2m 24s Implement the merge sort 5m 10s The quicksort 3m 31s Implement the quicksort 5m 39s
  • Searching Data Unordered list search 3m 45s Ordered list search 5m 30s Determine if a list is sorted 3m 37s
  • Other Algorithms Unique filtering with hash table 3m 25s Value counting with hash table 3m 4s Find max value recursively 3m 44s
  • Conclusions Next steps 1m 18s

  • 2

    Learning C++ with Erin Colvin

    Course Contents
  • Introduction Fun with C++ 43s What you should know 25s
  • Getting Started IDE setup 1m 21s Algorithms and pseudocode 3m 14s How to create a simple program 3m 13s Challenge: Hello World 40s Solution: Hello World 1m 9s
  • Data Representation Declaring simple data types as variables 4m 2s Declaration of variables 1m 31s Storage of data in memory 8m 16s Constants 4m 53s Arrays 3m 16s Challenge: Random number generator 45s Solution: Random number generator 57s
  • Flow Control If statements 6m 2s Conditional checking 2m 50s Switch statement 3m 53s For loop 4m 43s While loops 2m Do… while loop 12m 51s Challenge: Add loop to game 1m 55s Solution: Add loop to game 4m 47s
  • Functions What is a function? 3m 15s Creating a function 5m 8s Function parameters 7m 34s Calling, prototypes, and defining functions 6m 6s Using functions in our program 4m 35s Challenge: Move gameplay to function 1m 27s Solution: Move gameplay to function 4m 45s
  • File I/O Opening and reading from a text file 6m 41s Open a text file to write to 3m 31s Challenge: Write order to file 44s Solution: Write order to file 1m 52s
  • Data Structures Structs 6m 17s Classes 7m 46s Pointers 4m 36s Linked lists 5m 52s Challenge: Orders in a linked list 43s Solution: Orders in a linked list 1m 49s
  • Conclusion Next steps 16s

  • 3

    C++ Design Patterns: Creational with Olivia Chiu Stone

    Course Contents
  • Introduction Welcome 1m 8s What you should know 2m 22s Installing Visual Studio for Windows 1m 51s Installing Visual Studio for Mac 1m 35s How to use exercise files 52s Challenges explained 46s
  • Design Patterns Overview The need for a design pattern 4m 5s What are design patterns? 3m 39s Creational patterns overview 1m 48s
  • Creational Patterns Inheritance vs. composition 4m Composite object example 6m 39s Concrete vs. abstract 1m 59s Understanding UML 2m 55s
  • Factory Method Factory method concept 5m 36s Factory method implementation 5m 12s Running the Factory method example 4m 11s Factory variations 1m 43s
  • Abstract Factory Abstract Factory concept 4m 50s Abstract Factory pattern implementation 6m 3s Using the Abstract Factory 4m 14s Running the Abstract Factory 3m 44s Extending the Abstract Factory 2m 47s Challenge 4m 1s Solution 8m 57s
  • Builder Builder concept 3m 36s Builder pattern setup 4m 10s Builder pattern implementation 5m 35s Running the Builder example 6m 49s Steps in the Builder pattern 2m 5s
  • Prototype Prototype concept 4m 15s Prototype pattern implementation 5m 57s Running the Prototype example 4m 29s Shallow copy vs. deep copy 2m 14s
  • Singleton Singleton concept 3m 2s Singleton implementation 4m 8s Running the Singleton pattern 3m 54s Is the Singleton a good pattern? 5m 29s Comparing creational patterns 4m 36s
  • Conclusion Next steps 1m 7s

  • 4

    C++ Essential Training (2014) with Bill Weinman

    Course Contents
  • Introduction Welcome 53s Using Xcode with the exercises 9m 10s Using Microsoft Visual Studio with the exercises 14m 20s
  • Basic Syntax What is C++? 5m 20s Introduction to basic syntax 1m 57s Anatomy of a C++ program 9m 5s Statements and expressions 4m 1s Identifiers 2m 14s Defining variables 3m 4s Pointers 4m 57s References 3m 48s Arrays and strings 7m 11s Conditionals 5m 32s The branching conditional 4m 7s Looping with while and do 2m 29s Iterating with for 4m Using the range-based for loop 3m 35s Using stdout 7m 1s
  • Defining Functions Overview of C++ functions 3m 15s Defining a function 4m 8s Passing values to a function 7m 52s Using automatic and static variables 3m 5s Returning values from a function 3m 19s Using function pointer 8m 7s Overloading function names 2m 39s Overloading operators with functions 5m 23s Defining a variable number of arguments 4m 23s Using recursion 2m 28s
  • The Preprocesser About the preprocessor 2m 29s Using macros as constants 3m 30s Including files 2m 31s Conditional compilation 1m 52s Defining macros 4m 2s Macro caveats 3m 12s Line continuation with backslash 3m 9s Including files only once 4m 6s
  • Classes and Objects Overview of classes and objects 2m 14s Defining a class 5m 5s Data members 5m 15s Function members 6m 30s Constructors and destructors 9m 3s Implicit vs. explicit constructors 4m 32s Namespaces 4m 8s Pointing to the current object with *this 1m 52s Overloading operators with member functions 12m 35s Overloading operators with nonmember functions 5m 53s Conversion operators 5m 8s Creating and destroying objects with new and delete 4m 14s Reporting errors with exceptions 2m 56s Creating function objects 1m 55s Converting numbers to words 13m 45s
  • Data Types Overview of data types 2m 49s Integral types 9m 50s Floating-point types 3m 57s Characters and strings 2m 47s Character-escape sequences 2m 10s Qualifiers 5m 32s The C++ reference type 4m 59s Structured data 1m 56s Bit fields 2m 34s Enumerations 3m 50s Unions 2m 15s Defining types with typedef 2m 5s The void type 2m 26s The auto type 4m 20s The unambiguous null pointer constant 3m 32s
  • Operators Common operators 3m 29s Compound assignment operators 4m 42s Increment and decrement operators 5m 43s Comparison (relational) operators 2m Logical operators 2m 48s Bitwise operators 3m 51s The ternary conditional operator 2m 5s Determining the size of a type with sizeof 2m 22s Determining the type of an object with typeid 2m 21s Operator precedence 2m 1s
  • Object Inheritance Overview of class inheritance 1m 45s Simple inheritance 3m 48s Accessing the base class 2m 26s Friendship 3m 23s Multiple inheritance 3m 33s Overloading methods and exploring polymorphism 3m 33s
  • Templates Understanding templates 2m 18s Template functions 4m 20s Template classes 4m 13s Type inference 6m 20s
  • Standard Library Overview of the Standard Library 3m 27s File input and output (I/O) with stdio 9m 20s File management with stdio 2m 35s Unformatted character I/O with stdio 6m 4s Formatted character I/O with stdi 6m 39s String functions 9m Handling system errors 2m 8s Time and date functions 4m 6s
  • Standard Template Library Overview of the STL 2m 30s Vectors 8m 41s Strings 4m 38s I/O streams 8m 10s Iterators 5m 33s Lists 4m Pairs 1m 58s Sets 4m 29s Maps 3m 56s Stacks and queues 6m 20s Handling exceptions 4m 58s
  • Conclusion Goodbye 57s

  • 5

    Code Clinic: C++with Bill Weinman

    Course Contents
  • Introduction Welcome 1m 8s About C++ 2m 39s Using the exercise files 49s The C++ classes used in this course 5m 16s Getting the most from Code Clinic 52s
  • Problem One : Exploring Lake Pend Oreille Exploring Lake Pend Oreille 4m 9s Solution overview 2m 51s My solution: Fetching the data 9m 23s My solution: Storing the data 6m 33s My solution: Building a report 4m 37s
  • Problem Two : Image analysis Image analysis 2m 48s Solution overview 2m 3s My solution: Using libjpeg 4m 7s My solution: Fuzzy matching 6m 46s
  • Problem Three : Eight Queens Introduction 1m 51s Overview of the solution 1m 26s Command line interface 9m 17s Implementation 2m 10s Presentation and display 3m 1s
  • Problem Four : Accessing Peripherals Introduction 1m 21s Overview of the solution 3m 50s Interface design 2m 37s Creating the waveform 3m 21s Capturing the touch position 1m 52s
  • Problem Five : Accessing Peripherals Introduction 2m 3s Overview of the solution 6m Searching for files 2m 56s Finding the caption 2m 19s Displaying results 2m 20s
  • Problem Six : Building the Web Introduction 1m 34s Overview of the solution6m 6s Parsing the CSV file 6m 15s Generating XML 3m 45s Processing the HTML file 6m 14s

  • 6

    C++: Move Semantics with Bill Weinman

    Course Contents
  • Introduction Welcome 1m 9s Exercise files 3m 37s
  • Concepts What is move semantics? 2m 10s Understanding lvalues and rvalues 1m 33s
  • Using Move Semantics Using std::move 4m 55s Creating a move constructor 5m 38s Creating a move assignment operator 3m 33s Using the copy-and-swap idiom 5m 41s Further considerations 3m 30s Goodbye 42s
  • 7

    C++: Smart Pointers with Bill Weinman

    Course Contents
  • Introduction Welcome 1m 5s Exercise files 3m 28s
  • 1. Concepts Why smart pointers? 2m 16s Creating a unique pointer 6m 39s Creating a shared pointer 5m 31s Using a weak pointer 4m 12s Using a custom deleter 3m 41s Choosing a smart pointer 1m 38s
  • Conclusion Goodbye 36s
  • 8

    C++: Building a String Librarywith Bill Weinman

    Course Contents
  • Introduction Welcome 1m 21s Using the exercise files 3m 20s Why build a string library? 2m 34s
  • 1. The Basics Overview of BWString 6m 36s Using constructors 6m 13s Exploring memory management 5m 5s Building operators 3m 35s Writing utility methods 2m 18s
  • 2. Adding Features Building find and replace methods 1m 50s Implementing split methods 6m 31s
  • Conclusion Goodbye 45s
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