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Become a C Plus Plus Developer

2 C++ Essential Training with Bill Weinman
C++ is a workhorse. Widely used for both systems and applications development, C++ is available for virtually every operating system and has influenced and informed many derivative languages, including C# and Java. In this course, Bill Weinman guides you through the nuts and bolts of this essential language. He starts with the basics—syntax, operators, loops, and functions—and moves on to data structures, objects, and templates. He explains inheritance and operator overloads, and dives into the powerful container classes in the Standard Template Library (STL). These exhaustive C++ tutorials will provide a solid reference for both experienced programmers and those who are brand-new to the language.

Course Contents




Welcome 53s

Using Xcode with the exercises 9m 10s

Using Microsoft Visual Studio with the exercises 14m 20s


Basic Syntax

What is C++? 5m 20s

Introduction to basic syntax 1m 57s

Anatomy of a C++ program 9m 5s

Statements and expressions 4m 1s

Identifiers 2m 14s

Defining variables 3m 4s

Pointers 4m 57s

References 3m 48s

Arrays and strings 7m 11s

Conditionals 5m 32s

The branching conditional 4m 7s

Looping with while and do 2m 29s

Iterating with for 4m

Using the range-based for loop 3m 35s

Using stdout 7m 1s


Defining Functions

Overview of C++ functions 3m 15s

Defining a function 4m 8s

Passing values to a function 7m 52s

Using automatic and static variables 3m 5s

Returning values from a function 3m 19s

Using function pointer 8m 7s

Overloading function names 2m 39s

Overloading operators with functions 5m 23s

Defining a variable number of arguments 4m 23s

Using recursion 2m 28s


The Preprocesser

About the preprocessor 2m 29s

Using macros as constants 3m 30s

Including files 2m 31s

Conditional compilation 1m 52s

Defining macros 4m 2s

Macro caveats 3m 12s

Line continuation with backslash 3m 9s

Including files only once 4m 6s



Classes and Objects

Overview of classes and objects 2m 14s

Defining a class 5m 5s

Data members 5m 15s

Function members 6m 30s

Constructors and destructors 9m 3s

Implicit vs. explicit constructors 4m 32s

Namespaces 4m 8s

Pointing to the current object with *this 1m 52s

Overloading operators with member functions 12m 35s

Overloading operators with nonmember functions 5m 53s

Conversion operators 5m 8s

Creating and destroying objects with new and delete 4m 14s

Reporting errors with exceptions 2m 56s

Creating function objects 1m 55s

Converting numbers to words 13m 45s



Data Types

Overview of data types 2m 49s

Integral types 9m 50s

Floating-point types 3m 57s

Characters and strings 2m 47s

Character-escape sequences 2m 10s

Qualifiers 5m 32s

The C++ reference type 4m 59s

Structured data 1m 56s

Bit fields 2m 34s

Enumerations 3m 50s

Unions 2m 15s

Defining types with typedef 2m 5s

The void type 2m 26s

The auto type 4m 20s

The unambiguous null pointer constant 3m 32s




Common operators 3m 29s

Compound assignment operators 4m 42s

Increment and decrement operators 5m 43s

Comparison (relational) operators 2m

Logical operators 2m 48s

Bitwise operators 3m 51s

The ternary conditional operator 2m 5s

Determining the size of a type with sizeof 2m 22s

Determining the type of an object with typeid 2m 21s

Operator precedence 2m 1s


Object Inheritance

Overview of class inheritance 1m 45s

Simple inheritance 3m 48s

Accessing the base class 2m 26s

Friendship 3m 23s

Multiple inheritance 3m 33s

Overloading methods and exploring polymorphism 3m 33s



Understanding templates 2m 18s

Template functions 4m 20s

Template classes 4m 13s

Type inference 6m 20s


Standard Library

Overview of the Standard Library 3m 27s

File input and output (I/O) with stdio 9m 20s

File management with stdio 2m 35s

Unformatted character I/O with stdio 6m 4s

Formatted character I/O with stdi 6m 39s

String functions 9m

Handling system errors 2m 8s

Time and date functions 4m 6s


Standard Template Library

Overview of the STL 2m 30s

Vectors 8m 41s

Strings 4m 38s

I/O streams 8m 10s

Iterators 5m 33s

Lists 4m

Pairs 1m 58s

Sets 4m 29s

Maps 3m 56s

Stacks and queues 6m 20s

Handling exceptions 4m 58s



Goodbye 57s


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