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Coursera ? Building AI Powered Chatbots Without Programming( IBM Applied AI Professional Certificate 2024-1)

Coursera - Building AI Powered Chatbots Without Programming 2024-1

with Abhishek Gagneja




IBM Applied AI Professional Certificate, the IBM Applied AI Professional Certificate training course is published by Coursera Academy. Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing our world. Whether you are a student, developer, or technology consultant, understanding AI and knowing how to build AI-based applications can give you an edge in your career. This professional certificate is designed to provide you with the necessary skills to work as an artificial intelligence developer. This program will give you a complete understanding of artificial intelligence technology, its applications and its uses. You will learn concepts and tools such as machine learning, data science, natural language processing, image classification, image processing, IBM Watson artificial intelligence services, OpenCV and APIs.

Even if you have no programming background, through this professional certificate, you will learn practical Python skills to design, build and implement artificial intelligence applications on the web. These courses also enable you to apply pre-built AI to your own products and solutions. Instead of creating complex AI algorithms and interfaces from scratch, you'll use IBM Watson AI services and APIs to create intelligent applications with minimal coding. By the end of this professional certificate, you will have completed several projects that demonstrate your skills in applying AI and building AI-based solutions.

What you will learn

  • Understand the definition of artificial intelligence, its applications and uses, and explain terms such as machine learning, deep learning, and neural networks.
  • Creating artificial intelligence chatbots and virtual assistants without any programming and deploying them on a website
  • Building solutions based on artificial intelligence using IBM Watson services, APIs and Python with minimal coding
  • Using computer vision techniques using Python, OpenCV and Watson and developing custom image classification models and deploying them in the cloud

Who is this course suitable for?

  • Understanding AI can be used to support many jobs, but some jobs specifically require a background in AI. Some examples of jobs in artificial intelligence are: artificial intelligence developer, data analyst

IBM Applied AI Professional Certificate course specifications

  • Publisher: Coursera
  • Lecturer: Abhishek Gagneja
  • English language
  • Education level: introductory
  • Number of courses: 7
  • Duration of training: 3 months including 10 hours of work per week

Course Contents


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