Real World Python Test Automation with Pytest (Django app) 2021-5
Real World Python Test Automation with Pytest is one of the educational courses of the Udemy series that will teach you how to work with the Pytest framework and perform the process of testing Python-based software. PyST is a powerful Python framework that can simplify tasks related to testing and evaluating codes for the user. It is possible to develop simple codes of this framework and use it to test complex Python applications and libraries. The educational process of this course is as follows: in the first step, you will create an application with the Django framework in sync with the instructor, and then you will test it. During the application development process, you will often use Continuous Integration to organize your code and keep it in sync with the overall project.
During this course, you will get to know the details and subtleties of the test pie framework, and if you are interested in the testing process and functional tests of software, this course can be a very good option for you. In the first step, you need to create a very simple application using the Django framework. During the process of teaching Django, the instructor of the course did not deviate from the main goal of the course, which is to teach software testing, and only provided a series of basic and practical explanations of Django. During the software testing process, you will get to know more than 40 different tests, each of which analyzes and scrutinizes certain aspects of your application. These tests include unit testing, integration testing, API testing, end-to-end testing, performance testing, etc.
Educational topics of the Real World Python Test Automation with Pytest course
- Pytest
- Fixtures
- Markers
- Parametrize
- Skip, xfail
- ini
- Pytest-django
- Pytest-cov
- pytest-xdist
- unittest library, mocks
- Request library
- Django
- Rest API
- Models, Migrations
- Views
- Serializers
- SQLite3 DB
- Email backends
- Continuous integration
- Bitbucket pipelines
- Bitbucket environment variables
- Parallel steps
- Docker
- Slack messaging integration
- Allure Reporting
- Types of software testing methods
- Unit tests
- Patching, Stubs
- Integration tests
- Performance tests
- Testing environments
- Python best practices
- Virtual environments: pipenv
- Pipfile
- Type hinting
- Black formatter
- .env File
What you will learn in the Real World Python Test Automation with Pytest course:
- Deep understanding of the details and complexities of the Pytest framework
- Building a Continuous Integration (CI) System
- Performing automated and high-performance software tests
- Slack messaging online service
- Mocking and patching test writing techniques
- Building a web server with Django framework
- Practical acquaintance with the best examples and exercises of software testing
- Allure framework reporting system
- Implementation of various tests such as unit testing, integration testing, API testing, end-to-end testing, performance testing, etc.
Course details:
Publisher: Yodmi
Lecturer: Eden Marco
English language
Training level: advanced
Number of courses: 67
Training duration: 6 hours and 53 minutes
014 Live-version-of-our-project
014 Course-Repository
015 Django-Project-setup-official-documentation
016 Django-models-official-documentation
017 Django-Views-official-documentation
017 Django-Serializers-official-documentation
018 Download-Postman