Target the CEO only
Directed IP broadcast to the border router
Holding the door open for someone else
Attack using port 5000
Interception attack in real time
Interception attack, one day delay
Stealing someone's cookie
Leaving a voicemail for the CEO
Letting a fireman into your server room
Redirected to a fraudulent website
Email to a group of people to get bank details
Email to one person to get bank details
Letting someone you know access a secure area
Forcing someone to pay to recover their data
Send login details back to an attacker
An attack using port 445
Triggered by an event or action
Set the PSH, Fin, and URG all to 1
Attack using port 1900
An attack that NTLM vulnerable to
A host flooded by multiple SYN flood attacks
An attack using HTML tags and JavaScript
Taking control of someone's phone
An attack for which there is no fix