1. What are the benefits of Kubernetes?
Ans: It is very easy to handle containers with the container orchestration tool of Kubernetes. Customer demands are responded by deploying the applications faster and in a more predictable manner.
Few of Kubernetes benefits are:
- Automatic scheduling
- Automated rollback
- Horizontal scaling
- Auto-healing capabilities
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2. What is Container Orchestration?
Ans: Application orchestration in the software process which integrates two or more applications. With Container Orchestration, you are able to automate the arrangement, build the coordination, and manage the computer software. The goal of any orchestration process is to streamline and optimize frequently repeatable processes.
3. Why use Kubernetes?
Ans: Kubernetes is used because:
- The services such as on-premises bare metal, OpenStack, public clouds Google, Azure, AWS, etc. are run by Kubernetes.
- It helps in avoiding the vendor lock issues which can use any vendor-specific APIs or services except where Kubernetes provides an abstraction.
Example: load balancer and storage.
- It enables the applications that have to be released and updated without any downtime.
- Kubernetes allows you to assure those containerized apps run when and where you need. It helps you to find resources and tools which you want to work.
4. What are the features of Kubernetes?
Ans: The Kubernetes features include.
- Automated Scheduling.
- Self-Healing Capabilities.
- Automated rollouts & rollback.
- Horizontal Scaling & Load Balancing.
- Offers environment consistency for development, testing, and production.
- Infrastructure is loosely coupled to each component which acts as a separate unit.
- Provides a higher density of resource utilization.
- Offers enterprise-ready features.
- Application-centric management.
- Auto-scalable infrastructure.
- You can create a predictable infrastructure.
5. How is Kubernetes related to Docker?
Ans: A Docker provides the lifecycle management of containers. The Docker image builds the runtime containers. As the individual containers have to communicate, Kubernetes is used. So, Docker builds the containers and these containers communicate with each other via Kubernetes. So, containers running on multiple hosts can be manually linked and orchestrated using Kubernetes.
6. What is the difference between Kubernetes and Docker Swarm?
- It provides an auto-scaling feature.
- Load balancing settings are configured manually.
- Kubernetes installation is very complicated and time-consuming.
- GUI features are available.
- It provides a built-in load balancing technique.
Docker Swarm:
- It doesn’t provide any auto-scaling feature.
- Load balancing is automated.
- Docker installation is very easy and fast.
- GUI features are not available.
- Services are maintained while updating with process scheduling.
[Related Article: Docker Swarm Vs Kubernetes]
7. Mention the types of controller managers.
Ans: The types of controller managers are:
- endpoints controller.
- service accounts controller.
- node controller.
- namespace controller.
- replication controller.
- token controller.
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8. List various services available in Kubernetes?
Ans: Various services available in Kubernetes are:
- Cluster IP service.
- Load Balancer service.
- Node Port service.
- External Name Creation service.
9. What are the tools that are used for container monitoring?
Ans: The tools which are used for container monitoring are.
- Heapster
- cAdvisor
- Prometheus
- InfluxDB
- Grafana
10. Explain the types of Kubernetes pods
Ans: There are two types of Kubernetes pods.
- Single Container Pod: It can be created with the run command.
- Multi Container pods: It can be created using the "create" command in Kubernetes.
11. What are the types of Kubernetes Volume?
Ans: The types of Kubernetes volume are:
- EmptyDir
- GCE persistent disk
- Flocker
- HostPath
- Rbd
- PersistentVolumeClaim
- downwardAPI
16. What is Kubelet?
- Kubelet is an agent service which runs on each node and enables the slave to communicate with the master.
- Kubelet works on the description of containers provided to it in the PodSpec and makes sure that the containers described in the PodSpec are healthy and running.
[Related Training : Prometheus Training]
17. What do you understand about load balancers in Kubernetes?
Ans: A load balancer is a common standard procedure which presents the service. Depending on the working environment, a load balancer is of two types. The internal load balancer and external load balancer.
Internal Load Balancer:
It automatically balances load and allocates the pods with the required configuration.
External Load Balancer:
It directs the traffic from the external load to the backend pods.
18. Mention the uses of GKE.
Ans: GKE stands for Google Kubernetes Engine and its uses are:
- It is used for creating the docker container clusters.
- Resizing the application controllers.
- Updating and then upgrading the clusters of containers.
- Debugging the cluster of the container.
- It creates a replication controller, jobs, services, container pods, or load balancer.
19. What are the objectives of the replication controller?
Ans: The objectives of the replication controller are.
- It is responsible for controlling and administering the pod lifecycle.
- It monitors and verifies whether the allowed number of replicas is running or not.
- It helps the user in checking the pod status.
- It enables altering a pod. The users can drag their position with free will.
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22. What are the ways to provide API-Security on Kubernetes?
Ans: The ways to provide API-Security on Kubernetes is as follows:
- Using correct auth mode with API server authentication mode = Node.
- Make kubeless that protects its API via authorization-mode = Webhook.
- Ensure the Kube-dashboard uses a restrictive RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) policy.
26. What are the different components of Kubernetes Architecture?
Ans: The Kubernetes Architecture mainly comprises two components. The master node and the worker node. The master and the worker nodes have many inbuilt components within them.
- Master node: It has kube-controller-manager, kube-apiserver, kube-scheduler, etc.
- Worker node: It has kubelet and kube-proxy running on each node.
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28. What are the types of cloud controller manager?
Ans: The various types of cloud controller manager is as follows.
- Node controller: It verifies and confirms that the node is deleted properly after it has been stopped.
- Route controller: It manages the traffic routes in the underlying cloud infrastructure.
- Volume controller: It manages the storage volume and interacts with the cloud provider to orchestrate volume.
- Service controller: It is responsible for the management of the cloud to provide load balancers.
29. Why use Daemon sets?
Ans: Daemon sets are used because:
- It enables to run storage platforms like ceph and glusterd on each node.
- Daemon sets run the logs collection on every node such as filebeat or fluentd.
- It performs node monitoring on each and every node.
30. Explain Replica set.
Ans: A Replica set is used to keep replica pods stable. It enables specifying the available number of identical pods. Replica set is considered as a replacement for the replication.controller.