IQ Test Four : Questions
Posted by Superadmin on March 06 2016 08:43:20

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Q2. Which word in brackets is most opposite in meaning to the word in capitals?

EXPEDITE (dispatch, dismiss, curb, press, conclude)

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Q3. How many minutes is it before noon if 29 minutes ago it was six times as many minutes past 10 am?

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Q4. A E G K M ?
What comes next?

Q5. What number should replace the question mark.


Q6. → ╬ Ω ♫ ☼ ♠ ▬ ╬ Ω ♫ ☼ ♠ ▬ Ω ♫ ☼ ♠ ▬

Which Symbol comes next

A) Ω
B) ╬
C) ☼
D) ♫
E) →


Q7. 473 (50), 578 (65), 529 (?)

What number should replace the question mark?




Q9 639 (33), 584 (37), 965 (39), 868 (?)
What number should replace the question mark?


Q10. Which is the odd one out?

dilate, elaborate, amplify, expatiate, interpret


11. 7942163987581276

What is the sum of all the odd numbers in the above list that are immediately followed by another odd number?


12. What comes next


13. A B C D E F G H

What letter is three to the left of the letter that is immediately to the right of the letter that is two to the left of the letter F?


14. Which word in brackets is closest in meaning to the word in capitals?

ESPOUSE (forswear, embrace, elude, amplify, discharge)

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15. Insert a word in the brackets so that it completes a word or phrase when tacked on to the word on the left and completes another word or phrase when placed in front of the word on the right.


16. Which is the odd one out?

7568 9637 4205 6549 9740

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17. ●●□▬●●●□□▬●●●●□□□▬●●●●●□□□□▬●●●●

Which three symbols come next?

a. ●●●
b. □▬●
c. ●□▬
d. ●●□
e. ●□□


18. compartment is to train as fitment is to:

offshoot, machine, part, component, facet


19. Z X U Q L ?

What letter should replace the question mark?


20. What numerical value produces the same amount when it is added to 3 as when multiplied by 3?



1. B. The fi rst three fi gures are being repeated, but upside down.

2. curb

3. 13 minutes

4. Q. The sequence progresses AbcdEfGhijKlMnopQ.

5. 30. In each row and column add the fi rst and second numbers to give the third number and the second and third numbers to obtain the fourth number.

6. d. After each line ▬ the fi rst symbol from the previous set is discarded.

7. 61
59 + 2 = 61
Similarly: 43 + 7 = 50 and 58 + 7 = 65

8. D. Dots outside move to the inside and change colour – and vice versa.

9. 56
(6 × 8) + 8
Similarly: (3 × 9) + 6 = 33, (8 × 4) + 5 = 37 and
(6 × 5) + 9 = 39

10. interpret: it means ‘translate’. The rest mean ‘explain in lengthy detail’ or ‘enlarge upon’.

11. 17 (7 + 3 + 7)

12. A. As the internal pentagon is being constructed line by line, the external pentagon is being disassembled line by line. The same line is removed from the external pentagon that corresponds with the line added to the internal pentagon at the previous stage.

13. B

14. embrace

15. past
fly-past, pastoral

16. 9740. In all the others multiply the fi rst and last digits to obtain the middle two digits.

17. d. The sequence progresses two black dots/one white square/ line, three black dots/two white squares/line, etc.

18. machine

19. F. The sequence progresses ZyXwvUtsrQponmLkjihgF.

20. 1.5