JavaScript innerText
Posted by Superadmin on May 02 2023 15:52:22

JavaScript innerText

By Anusua DuttaAnusua Dutta


Introduction to JavaScript innerText

innerText is one of the most useful properties in JavaScript for making the entire text written on the HTML document dynamic but that doesn’t mean that the entire text is written will be considered as a dynamic or customized text. That will be completely wrong interpretation rather a consideration can be made that if JavaScript innerText property is used then it will create some web pages with both the types of normal and dynamic text for writing and making frequent validations within the message, username or password which in turn concludes the fact that property needs a combination of both normal and dynamic type of texts.

How does JavaScript innerText Property work?

As its name suggests JavaScript innerText property is one of the properties in JavaScript which has an exclusive feature of setting up the text and then returning the content of the text which is very specific and specified to the nodes by using and making all of its descendants or objects and member possessing the same behavior in it. Let us make it more clear, suppose for an instance you set up an innerText property then any child nodes present will get removed and then will get replaced with that single text node where we set up the node containing the string and the node with some values. The behavior of innerText property is somewhat the same as TextContent with very little differences like the textContent returns the text content of all types of elements but innerText supports only for the innerText which returns the content of all elements, except for <script> and <style> elements. Dynamic creation of the web page supporting the CSS files also contains hidden elements for the text which therefore will not get supported by the normal TextContent property of the JavaScript. To return proper HTML content from the browser without hampering the content and modifications or customizations the distinction between both the textContent property and innerText property must be clear. Also, it is needed to use the innerHTML property of the JavaScript which is the next aspect to keep in mind. The specific syntax is there to set up the node of the innerText property which is represented as:

It will get clearer in the next set of examples like how the innerText property and textContent property works in distinction to each other.

Examples to Implement JavaScript innerText

Below are the examples mentioned:

Example #1

This program demonstrates the behavior of the innerText property of the JavaScript and how it is distinct from the other two properties prevailing and is related to the TextContent property to make it dynamic and unique and compatible with the version differences.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1> Behavior of innerText</h1>
<p id="ex1"> Element present in the node must have extra spacing and should be properly confined. <span> There will be an element which will be a span element.</span>.</p>
<button onclick=" getInnerText()">Click</button>
<p><strong>Imp:</strong> innerTextProperty do not support for IE9 and previous versions. </p>
<p id="ex1"></p>
function getInnerText() {



After Clicking on the button the output will be as shown below:

element present

Example #2

This program demonstrates the behavior of the property of the innerHTML  JavaScript and how it is distinct from other two properties prevailing and are related to the innerText and textContent property to make it dynamic and unique and compatible with the version differences.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1> Behavior of innerHTML</h1>
<p id="ex2"> Element present in the node must have extra spacing and should be properly confined. <span> There will be an element which will be a span element.</span></p>
<button onclick=" getHTML()">Click</button>
<p><strong>Imp:</strong> innerHTMLProperty is mostly compatible with other browsers as well. </p>
<p id="ex2"></p>
function getHTML() {



After Clicking on the button the output will be as shown below:

JavaScript innerText - 4

Example #3

This program demonstrates the behavior of the property of the textContent JavaScript and how it is distinct from the other two properties prevailing and is related to the innerText and innerHTML property to make it dynamic and unique and compatible with the version differences.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1> Behavior of textcontent</h1>
<p id="ex2"> Element present in the node must have extra spacing and should be properly confined. <span> There will be an element which will be a span element.</span></p>
<button onclick=" getTextContent()">Click</button>
<p><strong>Imp:</strong> The textContent do not support for internet explorer and its previous versions.</p>
<p id="ex2"></p>
function getTextContent() {


JavaScript innerText - 5

After Clicking on the button the output will be as shown below:

JavaScript innerText - 6

Example #4

This program demonstrates the actual content to be retrieved from the actual content of the node once clicking on the click button it will display all the necessary information that it needs to print for the node to get the values for further manipulations.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>Click on the button to retrieve the actual content of the node. </p>
<button onclick=" One_func()" id="aclickbtn">Click</button>
<p><strong>Imp:</strong> Keep a check that innerTextMethod do not support for internet explorer 9 and its previous versions. </p>
<p id="ex4"></p>
function One_func() {
var vr = document.getElementById("aclickbtn").innerText;
document.getElementById("ex4").innerHTML = vr;


JavaScript innerText - 7

After Clicking on the button the output will be as shown below:

JavaScript innerText - 8

Note: One thing needs to be kept in mind that the functions related to the text and innerText or textContent or innerHTML everything needs to be version and browser compatible otherwise the visualization of the text retrieval may not come out to be proper.


innerText property as part of the JavaScript has a lot of advantages associated with it which are as follows:


innerText type property in JavaScript is majorly used for writing the dynamic text on any HTML document which will not only get interpreted as an html text only but will also get interpreted as a normal text which indicates that it will have a combination of both normal and HTML text. Most often it is used to generate some secretive messages for validation of message, username and password.