Objects - JavaScript Object Methods
Posted by Superadmin on May 01 2023 04:26:04

JavaScript Object Methods

JavaScript Object Methods

Introduction to JavaScript Object Methods

Today, we would discuss ‘JavaScript Object Methods’. So let us first divide the Article name into 3 parts, i.e. JavaScript, Object, and Method. Getting clarity on each word separately would give a clear idea of the topic we need to discuss. So JavaScript is a programming or a scripting language that allows to implement complex requirements on web pages and is designed as simple object-based where Object is a collection of properties in key-value pair; Methods are actions that can be performed on Objects. Hence JavaScript Object Methods are methods in JavaScript that can be accessed using functions. Here functions in JavaScript are stored as values. Objects here can be called without using () brackets.


Below is the syntax mentioned:


In the method, the ‘this’ keyword is used to refer to the owner object.

A function can be divided into different properties, which can then be combined and returned.

Let us consider an example of an object with some properties as below:

The employee is a function which consists of properties like

this function will return methods/ functions as object properties

Before we jump into some of the illustrations for JavaScript Object Methods, let us take a look at the ‘this’ keyword which plays a major role here.

‘this’ keyword is widely used in JavaScript but still a confusing keyword in JavaScript. ‘this’ keyword will point to a specific object. It is determined by how a function is called. Let us consider the above Employee example and see how the object properties are accessed using the ‘this’ keyword.

Examples of JavaScript Object Methods

Different examples are mentioned below:

Example #1

Illustration of ‘this’ keyword


<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2><i>this</i> Keyword</h2>
<p>Here <b>this</b> is representing <b>employee</b> object.</p>
<p>As the employee object "owns" the employer method.</p>
<p id="demo"></p>
var employee = {
employeeName: "Karthick",
employeeId : "101",
employeeCubicle     : "B108",
employeeDivision     : "BCMS",
employer : function() {
return this.employeeName + " of ID " + this.employeeId + " sits in " + this.employeeCubicle;
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = employee.employer();


Javascript Object Methods output 1

In the above example, ‘this’ is an employee object that has an employer’s function (). In other words, this.employeeName means employeeName property of this object.

Example #2


<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2>Sample Example for illustrating function definition as property value</h2>
<p>JavaScript Object Method</p>
<p>patientDetails is a function definition, it is stored as one of the property value in patient object</p>
<p id="demo"></p>
var patient = {
patientName: "Cyrus",
patientId : "HSP104",
patientSection     : "ICU",
patientDetails : function() {
return this.patientName
+ " of ID " + this.patientId + " is in " + this.patientSection;
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = patient.patientDetails();


Javascript Object Methods output 2

Example #3


<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2>JavaScript Object Method</h2>
childDetails is a function definition stored as a property value.
Storing property values and retrieving without using brackets ()
<p id="demo"></p>
var children = {
childName: "Rohit",
childAge : "6 months",
childWeight : "1.5KG",
childDetails : function() {
return this.childName + " of " + this.childAge
+ " weighs only " + this.childWeight + " ";
= children.childDetails;


Javascript Object Methods output 3

Example #4


<!DOCTYPE html>
<h3>JavaScript Object Method</h3>
patientDetail is a function definition, stored as a property value, accessing with additional details
<p id="demo"></p>
var patient = {
patientName: "Cyrus",
patientId : "HSP104",
patientSection     : "ICU",
patientDetails : function() {
return this.patientName
+ " of ID " + this.patientId + " is in " + this.patientSection;
= "PATIENT " + patient.patientDetails();


output 4

We have some other Object Methods, so let us dive into,

let Obj = Object.create(obj);

Example #5


<!DOCTYPE html>
<h3>JavaScript Object.keys() Method</h3>
const employer = {
boss: 'ABC',
PA: 'XYZ',
salesMan: 'DEF',
consultant: 'GHI'
const keys = Object.keys(employer);


output 5

Example #6


<!DOCTYPE html>
<h3>JavaScript Object.values() Method</h3>
const employer = {
boss: 'ABC',
PA: 'XYZ',
salesMan: 'DEF',
consultant: 'GHI'
const values = Object.values(employer);


output 6

Example #7


<!DOCTYPE html>
<h3>JavaScript Object.values() Method</h3>
const employer = {
boss: 'ABC',
PA: 'XYZ',
salesMan: 'DEF',
consultant: 'GHI'
const entries = Object.entries(employer);
entries.forEach(entry => {
let key = entry[0];
let value = entry[1];
document.write(`${key}: ${value}` + ", ");


output 7


With this, we can conclude the article ‘JavaScript Object Method’. Illustrated some of the examples and have gone through JavaScript Object methods like .freeze(), .seal(), .keys(), .values(), .entries(), .create(). Looked into the importance of the ‘this’ keyword which is one of the major factors in JavaScript to retrieve properties of an object. JavaScript Objects have useful methods to modify, iterate through itself and protect; we have given a clear example here of iterating through key/ value pairs of objects.