Bootstrap 4 Cheat sheet
Posted by Superadmin on April 30 2023 16:49:24

Bootstrap 4 Cheat sheet

By Priya PedamkarPriya Pedamkar

Bootstrap 4 Cheat Sheet

Introduction to Bootstrap 4 Cheatsheet

Bootstrap 4 cheat sheet has incorporated a major overhaul from Bootstrap 3. A lot of changes have happened to most of the components that include tables, forms, dropdowns, grids, navbars, etc. Major benefits from frameworks like Bootstrap is that they can speeds up development times even when maintaining the quality and consistency of the application across the site. Bootstrap 4 cheat sheet works on all modern browsers above internet explorer 9.

Bootstrap 4

Bootstrap 4 is the newest and most advanced version of bootstrap. It is the most popular framework for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript being used to develop responsive and mobile-based applications. Bootstrap 4 like earlier versions is free and open-source.  We no longer need to re-write and re-design everything from ground zero for the different sets of devices. And also, we don’t need to waist several hours trying to fix everything and ensuring that it looks and works right across different browsers, unique platforms, and devices.

Commands and Description on Bootstrap 4 Cheatsheet

Some important Bootstrap 4 commands and their description is provided below:

Commands Description
Fixed Container A fixed container has a fixed width. As the browser is resized, its width remains same until it breakpoint is found.
Fluid Container A fluid container spans to the full width of the available viewport. It expands and contracts fluidly meaning it changes as the browser is resized.
.Col- It is for extra small devices – screen width is less than 576px
.Col-sm- It is for small devices – screen width remains equal to or greater than 576px
.Col-md- It is for medium devices – screen width remains equal to or greater than 768px
.Col-lg- It is for large devices – screen width goes equal to or greater than 992px
.Col-xl- It is for xlarge devices – screen width is equal to or greater than 1200px
<h1> – <h6> h1 Bootstrap size heading with 2.5rem = 40px
h2 Bootstrap size heading with 2rem = 32px
h3 Bootstrap size heading with 1.75rem = 28px
h4 Bootstrap size heading with 1.5rem = 24px
h5 Bootstrap size heading with 1.25rem = 20px
h6 Bootstrap size heading with 1rem = 16px
<mark> This HTML tag element provides a yellow background color with some padding
<abbr> This HTML tag element provide a dotted border bottom.
<blockquote> The add class with <blockquote> is used for quoting blocks of content from source which are from outside.
.font-weight-bold For Bold text
.font-italic For Italic text
.font-weight-light For Light weight text
.font-weight-normal For Normal text
.lead It makes a paragraph visibly stand out
.small It Indicates smaller text i.e. it reduces font size to 85% of the size of its parent.
.text-left It Indicates that the text is to left-aligned.
.text-*-left It Indicates that the text is left-aligned on all size screens
.text-center It Indicates for center-aligned text
.text-*-center It Indicates center-aligned text on all size screens
.text-right It Indicates for right-aligned text
.text-*-right It Indicates right-aligned text on all size screens
.text-justify It Indicates for justified text
.text-monospace It has Monospaced text
.text-nowrap It Indicates for no wrap text
.text-lowercase It Indicates for lowercased text
.text-uppercase It Indicates for uppercased text
.text-capitalize It Indicates for capitalized text
.initialism It displays the text inside an HTML <abbr> tag element in a smaller sized font. It removes available default list-style and left margin on list items nested lists
.table The class adds basic styling to the table.
.table-striped The class adds zebra-stripes to the table.
.table-bordered The class adds borders on all sides of a table and cells.
.table-hover The class adds a hover effect i.e. grey background color on available table rows.
 .table-dark The class adds a black background to a table.

Free Tips and Tricks of Using Bootstrap 4 Cheat Sheet

Some cool tips and tricks to quickly hack the features of bootstrap 4 cheat sheet and create an amazing app on mobile are mentioned in this section: –

Or the same can be done via add .disabled class to <a> buttons.


Above bootstrap 4 cheat sheet provides a glimpse of what is possible with bootstrap 4. But there is a more comprehensive guide available with thousands of other parameters and tags. It is obvious that information regarding all cannot be provided in a single article either does a developer needs to remember all the tags and classes to do development. The best and most recommended approach is to keep such cheat sheets handy and the user should refer to such sheets whenever a need arises. This shall ensure all the job is done on the time of need and shall improve the user’s understanding and knowledge of bootstrap 4 over a period.