Python SQL Server
Posted by Superadmin on April 30 2023 05:12:07

Python SQL Server




Python SQL Server

Introduction to Python SQL Server

With the common usage of Python programming language and SQL Server as a database for almost all the transactions, the connection of Python and SQL Server is very much important to do all the Machine Learning activities. It helps to do all the manipulations to the data with the help of Python programs and SQL queries so that Machine Learning activities can be done easily in the system and to the data. Connection string details along with server and database names should be given in the command-line interface to do the connections.

Why do we need Python SQL Server?

How does Python SQL Server work?

import pyodbc
connection = pyodbc.connect('Driver={SQL Server}'
Cursor_exe = connection.cursor()
Cursor_exe.execute('SELECT * FROM database_name.table')
for row in cursor_exe:

Once this connection is completed, we can write Python codes in SQL Server and do the data analysis.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Python SQL Server

Given below are the advantages and disadvantages mentioned:




It is important to know SQL so that we can use all the SQL tricks in Python codes and make the work easy for all. This integration helps in all advanced data science techniques to be used in SQL Server with better performance.