What is the best way to view a team members bandwidth or work load availability in Jira project? Josette Contreras Josette Contreras
Posted by Superadmin on March 17 2023 05:50:16
What is the best way to view a team members bandwidth or work load availability in Jira project?
Josette Contreras

Hi there, What is the best way to view a team members bandwidth or work load availability in Jira project?  Let's say the team member is working on multiple initiatives in Jira.  What is the best way to generate a report or show a visual of the work they are assigned to?

3 answers


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 Answer accepted
Nataliya Vasyliv
Nataliya Vasyliv MARKETPLACE PARTNER Apr 07, 2022

Hi @Josette Contreras 

If you consider using the plugin you may try a resource planning plugin ActivityTimeline.

In ActivityTimeline you can work with projects, multiple teams, tasks, and individuals in one place and see a clear picture of the workflow.

ActivityTimeline is presented as a timeline dashboard with a Workload panel where you can calculate the actual workload, and availability, and track users' worklog, taking into account the weekends, holidays, or day-off. 

undefined  M anagers/team members can view important information pertaining to their available capacity and workload on the multi-functional indicator. It clearly is shown as a color-coded advance to help individuals' productivity.

undefined   Cross-teams view benefit: plugin delivers wide visualization in order for you to comprehend how to manage your teams more effectively. 


If you have any additional questions please feel free to ask me. We can provide a demo session for you if needed. Or read about more features here.
Nataliya, ActivityTimeline Team