Why Cyber Breach Readiness is Critical
Posted by Superadmin on September 16 2022 07:19:23

Why Cyber Breach Readiness is Critical


Your organization will emerge with a well-defined process for cyber breach response. Using visual and step by step documentation to make it intuitive to work through new and existing incidents.

Aligned with your business in mind, CMM’s cyber breach response program will help your organization develop and test your incident response capabilities for effectiveness. From policy, planning, and execution, we ensure that you’re left with actionable processes. Through a tabletop testing exercise, CMM will identify areas of improvement as well as validate that your incident response team is prepared for a cyber breach.

CMM will help with cyber incident scenario development, cyber breach plan testing, and results reporting designed to assess your organization’s current cyber breach response capabilities. Your organization will receive prioritized operational, tactical, and technical recommendations that you can use to improve your current incident response capabilities.

CM Methods (CMM) will help you understand your business, industry threats, and general capabilities. We will develop a tailored cyber breach response plan leveraging internal and external capabilities to reduce breach impact.