This set of C# Questions and Answers for Freshers focuses on “Pointers Operation – 2”.
1. What will be the output of the following C# code snippet?
class UnsafeCode
struct MyStruct
public int a;
public int b;
public int Sum()
return a * b;
unsafe static void Main()
MyStruct o = new MyStruct();
MyStruct* p;
p = &o;
p->a = 10;
p->b = 20;
Console.WriteLine("Value is " + p->Sum());
a) Compile time error
b) Run time error
c) 200
d) 30
2. What will be the output of the following C# code snippet?
class UnsafeCode
struct MyStruct
public int a;
public int b;
public int Sum()
return a / b;
unsafe static void Main()
MyStruct o = new MyStruct();
MyStruct* p;
p = &o;
p->a = 60;
p->b = 15;
int c = 30;
Console.WriteLine("Value is : " + p->Sum()*c);
a) Compile time error
b) 120
c) Run time error
d) 4
3. What will be the output of the following C# code snippet?
class UnsafeCode
unsafe static void Main()
int[] nums = new int[10];
fixed (int* p = &nums[0], p2 = nums)
if (p == p2)
Console.WriteLine("p and p2 point to same address.");
a) Run time error
b) Compile time error
c) p and p2 point to the same address
d) Only p2
p and p2 point to same address
4. What will be the output of the following C# code snippet?
class UnsafeCode
static void Main()
int? count = null;
int? result = null;
int incr = 10;
result = count + incr;
if (result.HasValue)
Console.WriteLine("result has this value: " + result.Value);
Console.WriteLine("result has no value");
a) Run time error
b) 0
c) Result has no value
d) Compile time error
result has no value
5. What will be the output of the following C# code snippet?
class UnsafeCode
static void Main()
int count = 100;
int? result = null;
int incr = 10;
result = count + incr;
if (result.HasValue)
Console.WriteLine("result has this value: " + result.Value);
Console.WriteLine("result has no value");
a) Run time error
b) 110
c) Result has no value
d) Compile time error
6. Choose the statement which defines the Nullable type Correctly:
a) A special version of a value type that is represented by a structure
b) A nullable type can also store the value null
c) Nullable types are objects of System.Nullable, where T must be a non nullable value type
d) All of the mentioned
7. What does the following code depicts?
i. System.Nullable count; ii. bool? done;
a) Code i declares the objects of nullable of type Nullable<T> defined in the System namespace
b) Code ii declares a nullable type in much shorter and in more commonly used way using ‘?’
c) Both Code i declares the objects of nullable of type Nullable<T> defined in the System namespace & Code ii declares a nullable type in much shorter and in more commonly used way using ‘?’
d) None of the mentioned
8. Which operator is commonly used to find the size of the type of C#?
a) size()
b) sizeof(type)
c) both size() & sizeof(type)
d) none of the mentioned
9. What will be the output of the following C# code snippet?
unsafe struct FixedBankRecord
public fixed byte Name[80];
public double Balance;
public long ID;
class UnsafeCode
unsafe static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Size of FixedBankRecord is " + sizeof(FixedBankRecord));
a) Run time error
b) 80
c) 96
d) Compile time error
10. What will be the output of the following C# code snippet?
class UnsafeCode
unsafe static void Main()
int* ptrs = stackalloc int[3];
ptrs[0] = 1;
ptrs[1] = 2;
ptrs[2] = 3;
for (int i = 2; i >=0; i--)
a) 3 2 1
b) 1 2 3
c) None of the mentioned
d) Run time error
3 2 1