C# Program to Implement Overloaded Indexers
Posted by Superadmin on August 13 2022 11:19:18

C# Program to Implement Overloaded Indexers


This is a C# Program to implement overloaded indexers.

Problem Description

This C# Program Implements Overloaded Indexers.

Problem Solution

Here the Indexers are overloaded and the names are displayed.

Program/Source Code

Here is source code of the C# Program to Implement Overloaded Indexers. The C# program is successfully compiled and executed with Microsoft Visual Studio. The program output is also shown below.

 * C# Program to Implement Overloaded Indexers
using System;
namespace IndexerApplication
    class IndexN
        private string[] list = new string[size];
        static public int size = 10;
        public IndexN()
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                list[i] = "N. A.";
        public string this[int index]
                string tmp;
                if (index >= 0 && index <= size - 1)
                    tmp = list[index];
                    tmp = "";
                return (tmp);
                if (index >= 0 && index <= size - 1)
                    list[index] = value;
        public int this[string name]
                int index = 0;
                while (index < size)
                    if (list[index] == name)
                        return index;
                return index;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            IndexN names = new IndexN();
            names[0] = "Rose";
            names[1] = "Lilly";
            names[2] = "Jasmine";
            names[3] = "Mango";
            names[4] = "Apple";
            names[5] = "Orange";
            names[6] = "Grapes";
            //using the first indexer with int parameter
            for (int i = 0; i < IndexN.size; i++)
            //using the second indexer with the string parameter
            Console.WriteLine("The Name ORANGE is Found at the Position : "+
Program Explanation

This C# program is used to implements overloaded indexers. Using the first indexer with int parameter declare the elements using for loop. Then using the second indexer with the string parameter overloads the indexers.


In this[] procedure if else condition statement is used to check the value of ‘index’ variable is greater than or equal to 0 and the value of ‘index’ variable is less than or equal to size using logical OR operator. If the condition is true then execute the statement and assign the value of ‘element’ to ‘tmp’ variable.


Otherwise, if the condition is false then execute the else statement assign the empty value to ‘tmp’ variable. The this[] procedure is used to implement overloaded indexers value. While loop is used to check the condition, that the value of ‘index’ variable is less than the value of ‘size’ variable.

If the condition is true, then execute the iteration of the loop. If condition statement is used to check the condition that the value of list[] array variable is equal to the value of ‘name’ variable. If the condition is true then execute the statement. Hence the indexers are overloaded and print the names.

Runtime Test Cases
N. A.
N. A.
N. A.
The Name ORANGE is Found at the Position : 5