Directory Size in Bytes : 1,482 Bytes Directory Size in KB : 1.45 KB Directory Size in MB : 0.00 MB
This is a C# Program to calculate the size of folder.
This C# Program Calculates the Size of Folder.
Here the program calculates the size of the folder including its subfolders and hence display the size in bytes, kilobytes and MB.
Here is source code of the C# Program to Calculate the Size of Folder. The C# program is successfully compiled and executed with Microsoft Visual Studio. The program output is also shown below.
/* * C# Program to Calculate the Size of Folder */ using System; using System.Linq; using System.IO; namespace ConsoleApplication3 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { DirectoryInfo dInfo = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:/sri"); long sizeOfDir = DirectorySize(dInfo, true); Console.WriteLine("Directory size in Bytes : " + "{0:N0} Bytes", sizeOfDir); Console.WriteLine("Directory size in KB : " + "{0:N2} KB", ((double)sizeOfDir) / 1024); Console.WriteLine("Directory size in MB : " + "{0:N2} MB", ((double)sizeOfDir) / (1024 * 1024)); Console.ReadLine(); } static long DirectorySize(DirectoryInfo dInfo, bool includeSubDir) { long totalSize = dInfo.EnumerateFiles() .Sum(file => file.Length); if (includeSubDir) { totalSize += dInfo.EnumerateDirectories() .Sum(dir => DirectorySize(dir, true)); } return totalSize; } } }
This C# program is used to calculate the size of folder. In DirectorySize() function the EnumerateFiles() function is used to return an enumerable collection of file names that match a search pattern in a specified path, and optionally searches subdirectories.
The EnumerateDirectories() function is used to return an enumerable collection of directory names in a specified path. Calculate the size of the folder including its subfolders and print the size in bytes, kilobytes and MB.
Directory Size in Bytes : 1,482 Bytes Directory Size in KB : 1.45 KB Directory Size in MB : 0.00 MB