Static Thread Procedure : Data = '20' Instance Thread Procedure : Data = 'Instance'
This is a C# Program to illustrate the concept of passing parameter for thread.
This C# Program Illustrates the Concept of Passing Parameter for Thread.
Here the following code example shows the syntax for creating and using a ParameterizedThreadStart delegate with a static method and an instance method.
Here is source code of the C# Program to Illustrate the Concept of Passing Parameter for Thread. The C# program is successfully compiled and executed with Microsoft Visual Studio. The program output is also shown below.
/* * C# Program to Illustrate the Concept of Passing Parameter for Thread */ using System; using System.Threading; public class pgm { public static void Main() { Thread newThread = new Thread(pgm.work1); newThread.Start(20); pgm p = new pgm(); newThread = new Thread(p.work2); newThread.Start("Instance"); Console.ReadLine(); } public static void work1(object data) { Console.WriteLine("Static Thread Procedure : Data ='{0}'",data); } public void work2(object data) { Console.WriteLine("Instance Thread Procedure : Data ='{0}'", data); } }
In this C# Program, we are creating a new thread object variable for thread constructor. Assign the starting time as 20, and create the object variable ‘p’. For that variable again create the new thread and make it has an instance.
Static Thread Procedure : Data = '20' Instance Thread Procedure : Data = 'Instance'