Posted by Superadmin on May 25 2021 05:49:52





Conduct repeatable, defensible investigations withEnCase Forensic v7
Maximize the powerful tools and features of the industry-leading digital investigation software. Computer Forensics and Digital Investigation withEnCase Forensic v7 reveals, step by step, how to detect illicit activity, capture and verify evidence, recover deleted and encrypted artifacts, prepare court-ready documents, and ensure legal and regulatory compliance. The book illustrates each concept using downloadable evidence from the National Institute of Standards and Technology CFReDS. Customizable sample procedures are included throughout this practical guide.

Install EnCase Forensic v7 and customize the user interface
Prepare your investigation and set up a new case
Collect and verify evidence from suspect computers and networks
Use the EnCase Evidence Processor and Case Analyzer
Uncover clues using keyword searches and filter results through GREP
Work with bookmarks, timelines, hash sets, and libraries
Handle case closure, final disposition, and evidence destruction
Carry out field investigations using EnCase Portable
Learn to program in EnCase EnScript





Computer Forensics Digital Investigation with EnCase Forensic v7.pdf