##Google Firebase for Android First Look
Posted by Superadmin on June 01 2019 11:04:21

Google Firebase for Android First Look


Whether you are considering Google Firebase or among the nearly half-million developers already using it, this course is designed for you. Google Firebase offers a set of features to help you maximize your app development efforts. In this first look, Joe Marini takes you on a tour of the features that support Android app development. Joe begins with an overview, then dives into three core areas: Firebase Analytics, Firebase Remote Config, and Firebase Authentication. He demonstrates how to create your own project, add APIs, configure parameters and conditions, and implement email and password authentication. He wraps up by visiting the Firebase console where you can evaluate users, engagement metrics, and earnings.

Topics include:

1. Course Overview

001 Welcome
002 What you should know before watching this course
003 Using the exercise files
004 Set up the development environment

2. Introduction

005 What is Firebase_
006 Firebase features - Develop
007 Firebase features - Grow and earn

3. Launching a Specific Activity with an Explicit Intent

008 Overview of the sample project
009 Create the Firebase project
010 Intro to Firebase Analytics
011 Add the Firebase Analytics API
012 Exercise the app

4. Specifying an Action by Implicit Intent and Letting the User Decide

013 Overview of Firebase Remote Config
014 Understand parameters and conditions
015 Implement Firebase Remote Config
016 Exercise the app

4. Using Firebase Authentication

017 Overview of Firebase Authentication
018 Implement email and password authentication
019 Add Firebase Auth error handling
020 View users in the Firebase console
021 Next steps