is a light weight VBScript scriptlet that can be used to programmatically bootstrap the creation of MS Access applications.accessBootstrap.vbs
exhibits three functions:
' ' Provide the functionality to create Access applications from ' the command line. ' ' The functions in this file should be called from a *.wsf file. ' option explicit dim accessFile dim acc ' as access.application dim fso set fso = createObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") dim vb_editor ' as vbe dim vb_proj ' as VBProject dim vb_comps ' as VBComponents sub createDB(accessFile) ' { if fso.fileExists(accessFile) then wscript.echo accessFile & " already exists. Deleting it." fso.deleteFile(accessFile) end if set acc = createObject("Access.Application") acc.newCurrentDatabase accessFile, 0 ' 0: acNewDatabaseFormatUserDefault acc.visible = true acc.userControl = true ' set vb_editor = acc.vbe set vb_proj = vb_editor.activeVBProject set vb_comps = vb_proj.vbComponents ' ' Add (type lib) reference to "Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3" ' call addReference("{0002E157-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}", 5, 3) end sub ' } sub insertModule(moduleFilePath, moduleName, moduleType) ' { ' ' moduleType: ' 1 = vbext_ct_StdModule ' 2 = vbext_ct_ClassModule ' ' Compare with ' if not fso.fileExists(moduleFilePath) then ' { wscript.echo moduleFilePath & " does not exist!" wscript.quit end if ' } dim mdl ' as VBComponent set mdl = vb_comps.add(1) ' 1 = vbext_ct_StdModule wscript.echo("adding scriptFile " & ModuleFilePath) mdl.codeModule.addFromFile (ModuleFilePath) = moduleName acc.doCmd.close 5,, 1 ' 5=acModule, 1=acSaveYes end sub ' } sub addReference(guid, major, minor) ' { ' ' guid identfies a type lib. Thus, the guid should be found in the ' Registry under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib\ ' ' Note: guid probably needs the opening and closing curly paranthesis. ' call acc.VBE.activeVbProject.references.addFromGuid (guid, major, minor) end sub ' }
to insert a VBA module and then call a sub ( createApplication
) in the inserted module.createApplication
would then create the Access application.<!-- Create access application from commandline with VBScript: cscript createAccess.wsf --> <job id="IsThisIdRequired"> <script language="VBScript" src="../accessBootstrap.vbs" /> -- > <script language="VBScript"> option explicit dim wshShell set wshShell = createObject("WScript.Shell") dim projectRootDir projectRootDir = wshShell.CurrentDirectory & "\" ' "p:\ath\to\project\root\" wscript.echo("projectRootDir = " & projectRootDir) call createDB(projectRootDir & "created.accdb") ' ' Add (TypeLib) References to ' ' ' call addReference("{420B2830-E718-11CF-893D-00A0C9054228}", 1, 0) ' Microsoft Scripting Runtime ' ' Insert a module. The 3rd parameter (1) indicates a »normal« module (vbext_ct_StdModule) ' rather than a class module (vbext_ct_ClassModule) ' call insertModule(projectRootDir & "init.bas" , "init" , 1) ' ' Call a function that is defined in the inserted init.bas: '"createApplication") wscript.echo("The end") </script> </job>
sub that is called by the wsf file (viaaccessBootstrap.vbs
)option explicit sub createApplication() ' { msgBox "Now, the application should be created" end sub ' }