Learning Data Analytics with Robin Hunt
Posted by Superadmin on April 30 2019 11:38:52

Learning Data Analytics with Robin Hunt





Learning Data Analytics with Robin Hunt

1h 39m • COURSE
Every person who works with data has to perform analytics at some point. This popular training course—dramatically expanded and enhanced for 2018—teaches analysts and non-analysts alike the basics of data analytics and reporting. Robin Hunt defines what data analytics is and what data analysts do. She then shows how to identify your data set—including the data you don't have—and interpret and summarize data. She also shows how to perform specialized tasks such as creating workflow diagrams, cleaning data, and joining data sets for reporting. Coverage continues with best practices for data analytics projects, such as verifying data and conducting effective meetings, and common mistakes to avoid. Then learn techniques for repurposing, charting, and pivoting data. Plus, get helpful productivity-enhancing shortcuts and troubleshooting tips for the most popular data analytics program, Microsoft Excel.
Topics include:
  • Define data analysis and data analyst.
  • List roles in data analysis.
  • Explain data fields and types.
  • Define syntax.
  • Explain how to interpret existing data.
  • Describe data best practices.
  • Repurpose data.
  • Create a data dictionary.
  • Compare and contrast linking versus embedding charts and data.
  • Build pivot charts with slicers.

01. Introduction

01_02-What you should know
01_03-How to use the exercise files

02. Getting Started with Data Analysis

02_01-Defining data analysis and data analyst
02_02-Discovering if you are an analyst
02_03-Understanding roles in data analysis
02_04-Discovering skills of the data analyst

03. Fundamentals of Data Understanding

03_01-Learning to identify data
03_02-Learning about data fields and types
03_03-Dealing with the data we dont have
03_04-Learning syntax

04. Key Elements to Understand When Starting Data Analysis

04_01-Learning to interpret existing data
04_02-Finding existing data
04_03-Understanding joins
04_04-Understanding data and workflow
04_05-Cleaning data

05. Getting Started with a Data Project

05_01-Getting started with data best practices
05_02-Learning about data governance
05_03-Understanding truths
05_04-Discovering common mistakes of beginners

06. Repurposing Data versus Remanufacturing Data

06_01-Repurposing data
06_02-Understanding source data
06_03-Creating reusable data
06_04-Building data sets to filter data

07. Working with Business Data

07_01-Understanding business rules
07_02-Creating a data dictionary
07_03-Creating read me information
07_04-Documenting data procedures

08. Chart Data Anytime and Anywhere

08_01-Building basic charts visual
08_02-Linking versus embedding charts and data
08_03-Setting default charts and charts shortcuts

09. Pivot Data Anytime and Anywhere

09_01-Build in basic pivots
09_02-Modifying pivots to make them more meaningful to read
09_03-Building pivot charts with slicers

10. Excel Tips and Tricks for Data Analysts

10_01-Selecting data and naming data
10_02-Learning to split text with delimiters
10_03-Removing duplicates
10_04-Transposing data

11. Conclusion

11_01-Next steps