Getting Started with OAuth 2.0
Posted by Superadmin on January 07 2019 00:45:08

Getting Started with OAuth 2.0



OAuth 2.0 is the go-to solution for API security, bringing authorization and delegation to modern HTTP APIs. In this course, you'll learn the fundamentals of OAuth, allowing you to architect and implement the right solution for your requirements.

OAuth 2.0 is the go-to solution for API security, bringing authorization and delegation to modern HTTP APIs. In this course, Getting Started with OAuth 2.0, you'll learn the fundamentals of OAuth and why it is preferred over past solutions. First, you'll explore each grant type and flow in detail, looking at their strengths and weaknesses, and when they should be used or not. Next, you'll take a close look at native applications such as mobile apps, and their unique security issues when using OAuth. Finally, you'll learn some common extensions to the OAuth protocols, such as OpenID Connect and the upcoming OAuth device flow. All of this will be covered without using any particular programming language or stack. When you're finished with this course, you will know how to integrate with any OAuth 2 authorization server and architect the right solution for you.





1 - Course_Overview

01. Course_Overview

2 - API_Security_101

02. Introduction
03. A_Problem_of_API_Authorization
04. A_Solution_-_Credential_Sharing
05. A_Solution_-_Cookies
06. A_Solution_-_API_Keys
07. The_Solution_-_OAuth_2.0
08. Demo_-_A_Very_Typical_OAuth_Flow
09. OAuth_-_A_Misunderstood_Protocol
10. Summary

3 - OAuth_in_Detail

11. Introduction
12. Protocol_Endpoints
13. What_Is_a_Scope
14. Authorization_Code_for_Web_Applications
15. Demo_-_Authorization_Code_for_Web_Applications
16. Implicit_Flow_for_Single_Page_Applications
17. Demo_-_Implicit_Flow_for_Single_Page_Applications
18. Client_Credentials_for_Machines
19. Demo_-_Client_Credentials_for_Machines
20. Resource_Owner_Password_Credentials_for_No_One
21. Demo_-_Resource_Owner_Password_Credentials_for_No_One
22. Long-lived_Access_with_Refresh_Tokens
23. Demo_-_Long-lived_Access_with_Refresh_Tokens
24. Choosing_the_Right_Response_Mode
25. When_Things_Go_Wrong
26. Summary

4 - Best_Practices_for_Native_Applications

27. Introduction
28. The_Unique_Issues_of_Native_Applications
29. Dealing_with_Stolen_Tokens_Using_PKCE
30. Choosing_the_Best_Redirect_URI
31. Not_All_Browsers_Are_Created_Equally
32. Demo_-_OAuth_for_Native_Applications_in_Action
33. Summary

5 - Extending_OAuth

34. Introduction
35. OAuth_+_Identity_with_OpenID_Connect
36. Demo_-_Identity_with_OpenID_Connect
37. Automatically_Configuring_Clients_with_OAuth_Metadata
38. Securely_Authorizing_the_IoT_with_the_OAuth_Device_Flow
39. Demo_-_Device_Flow_in_Action
40. Combining_SAML_and_OAuth_with_the_SAML_Assertion_Grant
41. Summary