Top 18 SAP Testing Interview Questions & Answers
Posted by Superadmin on January 03 2019 16:25:51

1) Mention what is SAP?

SAP stands for System Applications and Products. It provides customer the ability to communicate with common corporate databases for a comprehensive range of applications. It makes the business process work efficiently.

2) Mention what is SAP Testing?

The SAP Testing is same as software application Manual Testing. It helps to detect and rectify error at all business modules like finance, manufacturing, etc.

3) Mention what are the types of testing is done for SAP?

Types of SAP testing are,

  1. Unit testing
  2. Functional and Regression testing
  3. UAT testing
  4. Integration testing and so on.

4) Mention how to create an effective SAP Test case?

5) Mention tools useful for SAP Testing?

Tools useful for SAP Testing include,

6) Why choosing a right strategy is more important than choosing a tool for SAP Testing?

Choosing right strategy is important for SAP Testing because,

7) Mention what are the benefits for SAP applications?

Benefits for SAP applications are,

8) Mention what are the challenges faced during SAP Testing?

During SAP Testing challenges faced are,

9) Mention what are the points to be considered while performing SAP Interface Testing?

While performing SAP Interface Testing remember following points,

10) Mention what are the types of work processes in SAP?

In SAP, types of work processes include are

11) Mention what is the difference between kernels, support packages & SAP Note?

The difference between kernels, support packages & SAP Note is,

12) Mention what is ECATT?

ECATT is used to execute and create functional tests for SAP. It is an inbuilt tool that comes bundled with SAP with a primary objective of automated testing of SAP business processes.

13) Mention what are the useful features of ECATT?

Useful features of ECATT are,

14) Mention what is the difference between developer trace, System trace, and System log?

The difference between developer trace, System trace, and System log

15) Mention what is Screen flow logic in SAP Testing?

Screen flow logic in SAP Testing is like an ABAP code. It is used to contain the processing blocks. It consists of procedural part of the screen and is created in screen painter. Screen painter is like an ABAP editor.

16) Mention what is the use of Process Flow Analyzer in SAP TAO?

In SAP TAO, Process Flow Analyzer is used to find out automatically the user interfaces used in transaction codes executed in a SAP system.

17) Mention what is SAP Cutover Testing?

SAP Cutover Testing is usually performed once in a project lifecycle. In this phase, a full-scale execution of all tasks is involved to retrieve data from legacy systems and then to implement any kind of data conversion, load the results into the SAP system and fully validate the results, including a user sign-off.

18) Mention what should be the approach for writing a BDC program?

For writing a BDC program, convert the legacy system data into a flat file. Then convert the flat file into an internal table. Transfer the flat file into sap system called "sap data transfer." Then call transaction or create sessions.