What is the Full Form and Meaning of ERP?
Posted by Superadmin on January 03 2019 16:23:38

What is ERP Full Form?

The Full form of ERP is Enterprise Resource Planning. ERP is a business management software. It is a suite of integrated application that helps users to store and manage data of their business.

One of the most important activities associated with the implementation of an ERP system is the opportunity to streamline and improve the business operations of an organization through business process re-engineering and the by implementing the best practices and standards.

In this tutorial, we will learn-

Why implement an ERP System?

An ERP is the best option for demonstrating value by providing real-time information to all employees of a corporation across departments.

1. Integrate Financial Information

Enterprise owners want to understand company's overall performance because in numerous situation they may find various versions of the truth. Finance and sales have another version and business units may have their version of the contribution of revenues for the organization. By implementing ERP, they can get a single version of the truth.


2. Standardize and Speed up Manufacturing Processes:

ERP systems come with methods for automating manufacturing process. This helps organizations to speed up and standardize the manufacturing process.

3. Reduce Inventory:

It helps to increase the visibility of the order fulfillment process of any company. It may lead to reduced inventories to make products.

4. Increases and Improves Interaction:

ERP system also helps to increase and improve interaction between customers and suppliers. Moreover, the suppliers can also communicate more seamlessly with sales, marketing, and finance team.

What are Primary Goals for the ERP System?

The goal of any ERP project is to track supply chain actions from inventory purchase, processing, and final shipment.

1. Efficiency

The real-time information flow in ERP system eases the analysis, data, and reporting. It also improves decision-making. It also helps to reduce the need for maintaining multiple databases.

2. Cost Reduction

Cost reduction is vital reason why small and large enterprises invest huge time and resources for implementing ERP systems. It will reduce waste and increase productivity. It also reduces overall production's cost.

3. Quality

Quality improvement is the most important goal of ERP. The software technology helps management to benchmark its quality performance against other manufacturing companies in the same industry.

4. Decentralization

Enterprise resource planning systems can decentralize decision-making process at all level. It also allows users to have real-time access to the same data, such as production status and financial reports.

Steps To Implement On ERP System

Step 1) Strategic Planning

Step 2) Procedure Review

Step 3) Data Collection and Clean-Up

Step 4) Training and Testing

Step 5) Deployment

Benefits and Drawbacks of ERP system

Benefits of ERP system

Drawbacks of ERP system
