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DEMO : Project Management Fundamentals

DEMO : Project Management Fundamentals
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Superadmin 12.06.17 467 No Rating
Project Management Fundamentals

Author Bonnie Biafore lays out a set of principles for efficiently managing projects. The course examines the concepts of project management, from defining the problem, establishing project objectives, and building a project plan to meeting deadlines, managing team resources, and closing the project. The course also provides tips for reporting on project performance, keeping a project on track, and gaining customer acceptance

Problem Statement
Problem Statement documents help define the problem or opportunity.
Projects are started to solve a problem or take advantage of an opportunity.
Keep the problem definition simple.
Do not start talking about solutions until the problem is clearly defined.
Ask why until the problem is clearly defined.
Project Goal
Project Goals are high-level targets that state the end result of the project.
Easy to understand.
Create objectives that define the goal. Objectives should be:
There is often more than one strategy for achieving a specific goal.
Brainstorm possible strategies with a team based on the problem statement, goal, and objectives.
Evaluate the brainstorming ideas using a Strategy Matrix.
Ask: Is this strategy feasible?
Ask: Are the risks of this strategy acceptable?
Ask: Does this strategy fit the culture of the organization?
Requirements provide the details of what the outcomes must look like.
Don't include requirements that aren't necessary.
Make sure you have all the necessary requirements.
Techniques for gathering requirements:
Reuse existing requirements - if this project is like a past one.
Build a prototype - test the idea and evaluate it.
Hold requirements meetings. (marcin)
Observe end-users interacting with the product.
Conduct interviews.
With your goal in mind, document your requirements by writing detailed statements of what must be accomplished by the project to satisfy the objectives.
Deliverables are the products or services that are delivered.
Can be tangible (products) or more abstract (services).
They help you measure progress.
Start by defining end deliverables.
Next, define intermediate deliverables.
Next, define success criteria so you know your progress is on track.
Deliverables should be able to be completed in between status reports.
How do you know the deliverables you receive are what you need?
Success criteria help you determine that your deliverables are what you need.
Success criteria should be clear and quantifiable.
Assumptions are things that are believed to be true but are not confirmed.
Get assumptions out in the open to make sure everyone is on the same page.
Ask questions about what people expect, what they envision when they think about the project, don't be afraid to ask multiple times to make sure the story doesn't change.
Ask people to describe project success.
Risks are situations or events that might negatively affect your project.
Identify risks early in a project so the management team can make a decision to move forward with a project.
Document risks at the start of the project.
Scope Statement
Scope Statements define the boundaries of what is included and what isn't included in the project.
Can also include an out of scope statement that clarifies assumptions about what is outside the boundaries of what the project is.
Change management processes control the small requests that come into a project.
Sometimes team members expand the scope without management knowing it. When assembling the team, make sure they understand the scope statement.
Stakeholders are people who have a stake in the outcome of a project.
Major stakeholder roles:
Project Customer
Project Sponsors
Functional Managers
Team Members
How do you work effectively with your stakeholders?
Make a stakeholder analysis:
Identify what motivates your stakeholders?
Identify who your stakeholders listen to.
Identify the objectives that the stakeholders care about and their priorities.
Document the stakeholder's contribution to the project.
Stakeholders are crucial to the success of your project.
Get approval from project stakeholders.
Do not mail or email the project summary to your stakeholders and have them sign on the dotted line. They might not read the packet and fully committ.
A face to face sign-off meeting is more effective.
Review the project summary to make sure the project stakeholders agree with it.
Obtain signatures.
It’s important that the stakeholders understand what the project is about and buy into it.
Project Charter
Project Charters are formal announcements of the initiation of the project and the delegation of authority to the Project Manager.
Name of the Project
Name of the Project Manager
Authority specifics
A formal declaration of authority by the project sponsor.
When the project is ready to go, the project sponsor distributes the project charter to the team members.


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