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DEMO - Ruby On Rails

DEMO - Ruby On Rails
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Superadmin 14.03.16 754 No Rating
The Professional Ruby on Rails Developer Course provides a thorough introduction to Web Applications Development using the Rails framework. This course is both for students who have no experience in programming at all and also for students who have tried Ruby on Rails in the past but want to take their skills to the next level. Why Ruby on Rails Since its introduction, Ruby on Rails has rapidly become one of the most powerful tools for building web applications for startups and existing software houses. Some of the top sites using Ruby on Rails are Basecamp, Twitter, Shopify, Github, LivingSocial, Groupon, Hulu, Airbnb, Yellow Pages and much more. This course provides a very structured approach of teaching Rails and how to use Rails to implement ideas. It teaches the techniques to make the code work for the student. There will be lectures, homework and practice exercises. There will be references to free resources available on the internet to supplement the course materials. A big focus of this course is practice and understanding fundamentals. Most of the code is done from scratch limiting the use of shortcuts, generators, absolutely no scaffolding or magic. This is also accomplished by diving right in and using a pre configured Ruby on Rails development environment in the cloud eliminating time required to setup a local development environment and the roadblocks that go with it.

Lesson Description
Section 1 Up and running with Ruby on Rails
Lesson 01 Course Introduction
Lesson 02 Course Structure and Overview
Lesson 03 Sign Up for Cloud 9 Account
Lesson 04 Getting familiar with IDE Environment
Lesson 05 Familiarity with Command Line and new blog app
Lesson 06 SignUp for GitHub
Lesson 08 MVC and Cloning Blog App part 2 : practice push code to github wireframe intro
Lesson 09 Build Mockup of home page and route
Lesson 10 Build Homepage foreword
Lesson 11 Build Homepage part 1: Bootstrap installation, Asset pipeline
Lesson 12 Build Homepage part 2: Bootstrap for front end fix bug
Lesson 13 Build Homepage part 3: Complete homepage views and CSS
Lesson 14 Create a GitHub repo and push code
Lesson 15 SignUp for Heroku
Lesson 16 Deploy to Heroku
Lesson 17 Learn and Practice Ruby
Section 2 Database and UI: Migrations, TDD, Assoc.
Lesson 07 MVC and Cloning Blog App Part 1 : Intro, Cloning and remote
Lesson 18 Intro to migrations blog app part 1: Intro and conventions
Lesson 19 Intro to migrations blog app part 2: create tables, models, assoc
Lesson 20 Intro to migrations blog app part 3: Associations and Rail Controls
Lesson 21 Create chefs and recipes tables
Lesson 22 TDD for recipe model spec and validations part 1
Lesson 23 TDD for recipe model spec and validations part 2
Lesson 24 TDD for chef model part 1: spec, create tests and validations
Lesson 25 TDD for chef model part 2: email tests and validations
Lesson 26 One to many associations between chefs and recipes
Lesson 27 Creating a Controller
Lesson 28 Roots and recipes index part 1: Intro http request/response
Lesson 29 Roots and recipes index part 2: recipes listing index
Lesson 30 Add Gravatar feature for chefs
Lesson 31 Forms and actions new recipes part 1: model backed form
Lesson 32 Forms and actions new recipes part 2: Strong params and ..
Lesson 33 Forms and actions edit recipes
Lesson 34 Form partialst
Lesson 35 Image upload part 1 : installation, git branch feature, update
Lesson 36 Image upload part 2 : image handling, display, forms update
Lesson 37 Image upload part 3 : Javascript validations, resizing, storage
Section 3 UI Features: Authentication, Pagination, Like
Lesson 38 Implementing like/dislike part 1: 1-many create table
Lesson 39 Implementing like/dislike part 2: create routes, paths/display
Lesson 40 Implementing like/dislike part 3: counts/validations
Lesson 41 Add pagination to views
Lesson 42 Introduction to Authentication
Lesson 43 Building Authentication system and new chef part 1
Lesson 44 Building Authentication system and register new chef part 2
Lesson 45 Edit Chef
Lesson 46 Chefs show and index part 1: action - shows and views
Lesson 47 Build chefs show and index part 2: listing and pagination
Lesson 48 Add paths
Lesson 49 Build login/logout part 1: routes, log in form
Lesson 50 Build login/logout part 2: create, destory sessions
Lesson 51 Build login/logout part 3: helper methods, usage in views
Lesson 52 Complete authentication system part 1: navigation/toggle ..
Lesson 53 Complete authentication system part 2: before action, private methods ..
Lesson 54 Complete authentication system part 3: before action more methods completion ..
Lesson 55 Adding chefs listing and build view tabs feature
Section 4 AWS, Migrations, Displays, Admin, Summary
Lesson 56 Prod image upload - AWS part 1: Intro and setup
Lesson 57 Prod image upload - AWS part 2: AWS signup, S3 bucket
Lesson 58 Prod image upload - AWS part 3: fog gem, heroku and display
Lesson 59 Introduction to Many to Many Assoications
Lesson 60 Migration from M:M part 1: tables, models, associations
Lesson 61 Migration from M:M part 2: rails console association test
Lesson 62 New styles and ingredients part 1 : routes/controllers/actions
Lesson 63 New styles and ingredients part 2 : UI display and create a...
Lesson 64 Display styles and ingredients part 1: UI display features
Lesson 65 Display styles and ingredients part 2: UI display and create...
Lesson 66 Finish styles and ingredients part 1: before actions, restrictions
Lesson 67 Finish styles and ingredients part 2: Associations on create
Lesson 68 Fix CSS and display for styles and ingredients
Lesson 69 Build Admin User functionality part 1: intro, code and routes
Lesson 70 Build Admin User functionality part 1: restrict dep destory..
Lesson 71 Fix show recipes bug
Lesson 72 Course summary and final project reviews feature


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