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DEMO - Practical AWS Lambda

DEMO - Practical AWS Lambda
AWS Cloud Services
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Superadmin 01.01.70 504 No Rating
What Will I Learn?
Create your own real world Lambda Functions and have fundamental understanding of Amazon API Gateway and Amazon Cognito

AWS Fundamentals and familiarity with One Programming Language

This course will help you learn AWS Lambda in details and give you enough informaiton to get started with AWS Lambda in your own AWS Infrastucture. This course covers the following topics

1)Fundamentals of AWS Lambda

2)AWS Lambda using Triggers

3)AWS javascript SDK

4)Amazon API Gateway

5)Amazon Cognito

6)Identity and Access Management IAM


Who is the target audience?
Students who want to Learn AWS Lambda and Serverless Computing

Curriculum For This Course
All 49 Lectures 02:58:59

Introduction to AWS Lambda 18:24
Introduction 03:09
Lambda Hello World 09:19
What is Lambda? 02:00
Monitoring 02:13
Characteristics of AWS Lambda 01:43

Lambda Triggers 39:20
Introduction 01:30
Introduction to AWS SDK for JavaScript 02:04
Source Code for the Course 00:05
Starting EC2 Instance using Lambda 06:54
Stopping EC2 Instance using Lambda 01:52
Scheduling Lambda using CloudWatch Rules 03:29
Understanding Cron Expression 01:24
Viewing Logs in CloudWatch 01:35
SNS to Lambda to DynamoDb 07:49
Testing - SNS to Lambda 02:20
Writing SQL Like Triggers for DynamoDB using Lambda 10:18

Introduction to AWS CLI and User Configuration 08:22
Introduction 00:30
Installing and Configuring AWS CLI on Windows 02:16
Creating CLI Admin 04:01
Configuring AWS Credentials 01:35

Lambda and SDK Locally 25:36
Introduction 01:37
Installing Node.js 01:46
Installing AWS SDK 02:31
Developing/Simulating Lambda Locally 05:42
Downloading and Zipping files from S3 03:34
Lambda to Zip files in S3 04:58
Creating Deployment Package 05:28

AWS Lambda using Amazon API Gateway 28:07
Introduction 00:55
What is API Gateway? 01:25
Sample Implementation using Lambda 03:11
Using API Gateway with Lambda 09:59
Deploying and Invoking our API 01:26
Using Resource Paths as Parameters 07:36
Characteristics of Amazon API Gateway 03:35

AWS Lambda with Amazon Cognito 15:33
Introduction 00:38
Cognito Lambda Example 00:45
What is Amazon Cognito? 03:37
Creating Identity Pool 05:06
Invoking Lambda using JavaScript 05:27

Appendix A: Identity and Access Management 43:38
Introduction 01:24
Security in AWS 04:45
Understanding Users, Roles, Groups, Policies 04:40
IAM - Creating Users, Assigning User Policy, Password Policy 05:49
IAM - Creating and Assigning Groups, Roles 03:43
IAM - Creating and Assigning Policies 03:33
Practical Example of using Policy 07:04
JSON Policy example for next clip 00:05
Policy using JSON 09:07
IAM from CLI 03:28


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