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DEMO - R Programming - Learn R from Scratch

DEMO - R Programming - Learn R from Scratch
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Superadmin 01.01.70 610 No Rating
Learn the core fundamentals of the R language for programming. Fundamentals to Advanced
R programming becomes more and more popular since it is fully open source and reacts very dynamic to new developments. Learn programming language R, from the very basics to complex modeling. This course covers regression, classification, clustering, reading data, programming basics, visualization, data munging, modern machine learning and more. This course is meant to give you an introductory understanding of the R language.
Nowadays it is vital in many scientific or other analytical fields to have a good understanding of the R language. With this course you can build a very solid foundation to later on branch out to the various applications R has to offer. This course is designed for beginners that have no previous R programming experience. You will require a fundamental understanding of statistics to get the most out of this course.
This course ensure quick learning in a simplified way. It explains the most important aspects of working on data and conduct analysis through example. You will start by learning how to install and navigate R studio. Learn Data/Object Types and Operations, Importing into R, and Loops and Conditions. you will be introduced to the use of R in Analytics, where you will learn a little about each object type in R and use that in Data Mining/Analytical Operations. learn the use of R in Statistics, using R to evaluate Descriptive Statistics, Probability Distributions, Hypothesis Testing, Linear Modeling, Generalized Linear Models, Non-Linear Regression, and Trees. Learn to create 2-dimensional Univariate and Multi-variate plots. You will also learn about formatting various parts of a plot, covering a range of topics like Plot Layout, Region, Points, Lines, Axes, Text, Color and so on.
Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using R for developing statistical software and data analysis tools.

What are the requirements?
Basic proficiency in statistics - probability distributions, linear modeling, etc
A Computer with high speed internet
Basic proficiency in math - vectors, matrices, algebra
computer skills required to install R, R studio and run commands seeing it on video

What am I going to get from this course?
Over 39 lectures and 5 hours of content!
Learn about the basic structure of R including packages
Learn How To Get Started Programming In R
learning of R through practice
learn how to navigate in the RStudio interface
learn how to perform basic commands in the R programming language
Conduct Frequency Distribution Analysis / Univariate Analysis in R

What is the target audience?
Researchers who perform data analysis including graphs
Web developers who want to implement data analysis features in their webpage
Anyone interested in Data Mining, Statistics, Data Visualization
Enterprise Data Analysts and Students

Section 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Overview and History of R

Section 2: Datatypes and Basic Operations
Lecture 2:Introduction and Objectives
Lecture 3:Evaluation
Lecture 4:Explicit Coercion and Mixing Objects
Lecture 5:Lists
Lecture 6:Summery
Lecture 7:Missing Values
Lecture 8:Subsetting Partial Matching
Lecture 9:Sebsetting Nested elements of a List

Section 3: Reading and Writing Data
Lecture 10:Reading Data
Lecture 11:read.table
Lecture 12:read.table for larger datasets
Lecture 13:System Capacity
Lecture 14: Dumping R Objects

Section 4: Simulation
Lecture 15:Introduction to Simulation
Lecture 16:Linear Models and Random Numbers

Section 5: Plotting in R
Lecture 17:Introduction to Plotting
Lecture 18:Useful Graphics Devices
Lecture 19:What are GGPLOT2?
Lecture 20:Adding a GEOM
Lecture 21: GGPLOT2 in Details
Lecture 22:Annotation
Lecture 23: Plotting and Color
Lecture 24:colorRampPalette

Section 6: Scoping Rules
Lecture 25:Scoping Rules

Section 7: Looping
Lecture 26:Loop Functions
Lecture 27:apply in Looping
Lecture 28:split in Looping

Section 8: Classes and Methods
Lecture 29:Classes and Methods Overview
Lecture 30:Classes illustration
Lecture 31:Generic/Method Mechanism
Lecture 32:Calling Methods

Section 9: Date and Time
Lecture 33Grinate and Time Overview in R
Lecture 34Shockperations in Date and Time

Section 10: Regular Expressions
Lecture 35:Metacharacters
Lecture 36:More Metacharacters
Lecture 37:* and +

Section 11: Debugging
Lecture 38Grinebugging Overview and Introduction
Lecture 39:How do you Debug?


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