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01 Introduction to Cloud Computing
1. Answer:b
Explanation:Cloud Computing applications are accessed by common Internet protocols and networking standards.
2. Answer:b
Explanation:Cloud Computing is distinguished by the notion that resources are virtual and limitless and that details of the physical systems on which software runs are abstracted from the user.
3. Answer:b
Explanation:Cloud computing takes the technology, services, and applications that are similar to those on the Internet and turns them into a self-service utility.
4. Answer:c
Explanation:Cloud computing abstracts the details of system implementation from users and developers.
5. Answer:a
Explanation:Issues with latency, transaction control, and in particular security and regulatory compliance are of particular concern.
6. Answer:c
Explanation:Applications run on physical systems that aren’t specified, data is stored in locations that are unknown, administration of systems is outsourced to others, and access by users is ubiquitous.
7. Answer:a
Explanation:The Internet offers abstraction, runs using the same set of protocols and standards, and uses the same applications and operating systems.
8. Answer:c
Explanation:When an intranet becomes large enough that a diagram no longer wishes to differentiate between individual physical systems, the intranet too becomes identified as a cloud.
9. Answer:b
Explanation:Cloud Computing is a new model for provisioning resources, for staging applications, and for platform-independent user access to services.
10. Answer:c
Explanation:One of the most successful cloud-based businesses is Amazon Web Services, which is an Infrastructure as a Service offering that lets you rent virtual computers on Amazon’s own infrastructure.
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on March 16 2016 14:52:08