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Power BI Tutorial - Power BI Charts Tutorial

Create Power BI Treemap

Power BI Treemap is used to display the data in Rectangle Boxes. You can define the rectangle box using any Dimension column, and its size by Measure value.


The Tree maps in Power BI are very useful to display the largest data in a small region. For this Create a Treemap in Power BI demonstration, we are going to use the SQL Data Source that we created in our previous article.

Please refer to Connect Power BI to SQL Server article to understand the Power BI Data Source.  


How to Create a Power BI Treemap

To create a Power BI tree map, first, Drag and Drop the Sales Amount from Fields section to Canvas. It automatically creates a Column Chart.

Create Power BI Treemap 1

By clicking the Treemap under the Visualization section automatically convert the Column Chart into Treemap

  Create Power BI Treemap 2

Next, let me add the English Product Name from DimProduct Table to the Group section. It divides the rectangle boxes based on the Sales amount by each product.

Create Power BI Treemap 3

Create a Power BI Treemap Approach 2

When you click on the Treemap present in the Visualization section, it creates a Treemap with dummy data.

Create Power BI Treemap 4

To add data to Power BI TreeMap, we have to add the required fields:

  • Group: Please specify the Column that divides the Rectangle Boxes.
  • Values: Any Numeric value, such as sales amount, Total Sales, Customer count, etc.

Let me drag and drop the Sales from Fields section to Values field.

Create Power BI Treemap 5

Next, add Department Name from the DimEmployee table to the group section. You can do this by dragging Department Name to Group section, or checkmark the Department Name column

Create Power BI Treemap 6

Now you can see the TreeMap of Sales Amount that is divided by Employees Department Name. Hover over any box shows the Tool-tip of Department Name and its Sales Amount

Create Power BI Treemap 7

Let me do some quick formatting to the Power BI Tree map

NOTE: I suggest you to refer Format TreeMap article to understand the steps involved in formatting the Power BI TreeMap Box Colors, Title font, Title alignment, Data labels, and colors.

Create Power BI Treemap 9



Format Tree Map in Power BI

How to Format Tree Map in Power BI with example?. It includes changing the Box Color, TreeMap Title position, background Colors, and Data labels, etc.


To demonstrate these formatting options, we are going to use the Treemap that we created earlier. Please refer Power BI Treemap article to understand the steps involved in creating Power BI Tree Map.

How to Format Tree Map in Power BI

Please click on the Format button to see the list of available formatting options for the tree map.

Format Tree Map in Power BI 1

Format Legend of a Tree Map in Power BI

To display the Legend, Please select the Legend region and change the option from Off to On. From the below screenshot, you can see the legend

Format Tree Map in Power BI 2

Format Power BI Tree Map Data Colors

By default, Power BI IntelliSense assign random colors to each rectangle box. But using this Data Colors section, you have an option to changes these colors as per your requirement.

  Format Tree Map in Power BI 3

For the demonstration purpose, we changed the rectangle Box of a Finance to Pink.

Format Tree Map in Power BI 4

Enable Data Labels on Tree Map in Power BI

Data Labels used to display information about the rectangle box. In this case, it displays the Sales Amount of each rectangle box. To enable data labels, please toggle Data labels option to On.

From the screenshot below, you can see we changed the Color, Display Units from Auto to Thousands and Font family to Arial Black.

Format Tree Map in Power BI 5

Format Category Labels of a Power BI Tree Map

Category Labels are noting but a Dimension value (Group Value) that represents a rectangle box. From the screenshot below, you can see that we changed the color of a category Label, Text Size to 14, and Font family to Georgia.

Format Tree Map in Power BI 6

Format Title of a Tree Map in Power BI

Please select the Title, and toggle the option from Off to On to display the Treemap title. The following are the list of options that are available to format the Treemap title.

Format Tree Map in Power BI 7

As you can see from the screenshot below, we change the Title Text to Sales Amount by Department Name. Next, Font style to Georgia, Font Size to 20, and Title Alignment to center.

Format Tree Map in Power BI 8

Add Background Color to Tree Map in Power BI

You can add the Background color to Treemap by toggling Background option to On. For the demonstration purpose, we are adding Yellow as the background color. Here, you can change the Transparency percentage as well.

Format Tree Map in Power BI 9

The screenshot below shows you the Treemap after formatting.

Format Tree Map in Power BI 10


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