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The Fast Track To Deploying A Web App On AWS The Right Way

The Fast Track To Deploying A Web App On AWS The Right Way

with Andrew Brown and Andrew Bayko

01_01. Hello From ExamPro

This course jumps straight into showing you the exact steps you'll need to setup the infrastructure to deploy a web-application into production using Blue/Green deployment.

I have built an example web-application in Ruby on Rails tuned for production which we'll use to provision an EC2 instance, then bake instance to Amazon Machine Image (AMI). We'll then use that AMI in a Launch Configuration and Create an Auto Scaling Group (ASG). We'll than tie our ASG to an Application Load Balancer (ALB). We'll use CodeDeploy for Blue/Green Deployment and automate deployment on git push with CodePipeline.

Built For Real World Use

This is an end-to-end course and its intended for real use. I have setup multiple startups on this exact configuration. If you are using Heroku, Linode or Digital Ocean and are thinking of moving over to AWS but wanted the course that's going to help you move over as fast as possible than this is the course for you.

Automated Deployment It was important that I show you how to setup automatic deployment on git push so you have the same productivity as you would with Heroku.

AWS Services Covered VPC, Route Tables, Subnets, IGW
Auto Scaling Groups
Application Load Balancer
Systems Manager

AWS Certification Seekers
If you are studying for the SysOps Associate or the DevOps Professional this course is going to help you gain the practical knowledge around Auto Scaling Groups and Load Balancing and Blue/Green deployment.

What you'll learn

Setting up your AWS Network
Creating RDS Postgres Database
Configure, Launch and SSH into EC2
Provision Ruby on Rails For Production
Create an Amazon Machine Image
Setup an Auto Scaling Group
Setup an Application Load Balancer
Blue/Green deployment via CodeDeploy
Automatic Deployment via CodePipeline


You need to have a Free Github Account
You need to have basic knowledge of Terminal or Powershell
You need to be able to clone a git repo to your local machine
You need very basic knowledge of any scripting language
Ruby on Rails knowledge is not required
You need your own AWS Account
You need to have basic knowledge of Terminal or Powershell

Course Contents
01 Introduction 02. Setting up your AWS Network 03. Creating RDS Postgres Database 04. Configure Launch and SSH into EC2 Instance 05. Provision Ruby on Rails on EC2 06. Create and AMI Image 07. Auto Scaling group 08. Application Load Balancer 09. CodeDeploy 11. CodePipeline


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