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Become a C Plus Plus Developer:2. Learning C++

Learning C++


C++ is an efficient and versatile programming language. C++ powers systems software, desktop applications, and even video games, and it's the language that helped land humans on the moon. Simply put, C++ is a must-know for any modern-day programmer—and it's a great place to get started if you're programming for the first time. This course will get you up and running fast. Instructor Erin Colvin covers simple data types, including numbers and strings; flow-control features like loops and if, else, and switch statements; and functions, the code that encapsulates tasks your program performs. Dr. Colvin also covers working with files and special data structures such as classes and linked lists. Each chapter is full of practical code examples and challenges to help you practice your C++ skills.




Course Contents



Fun with C++ 43s

What you should know 25s


Getting Started

IDE setup 1m 21s

Algorithms and pseudocode 3m 14s

How to create a simple program 3m 13s

Challenge: Hello World 40s

Solution: Hello World 1m 9s



Data Representation

Declaring simple data types as variables 4m 2s

Declaration of variables 1m 31s

Storage of data in memory 8m 16s

Constants 4m 53s

Arrays 3m 16s

Challenge: Random number generator 45s

Solution: Random number generator 57s


Flow Control

If statements 6m 2s

Conditional checking 2m 50s

Switch statement 3m 53s

For loop 4m 43s

While loops 2m

Do… while loop 12m 51s

Challenge: Add loop to game 1m 55s

Solution: Add loop to game 4m 47s



What is a function? 3m 15s

Creating a function 5m 8s

Function parameters 7m 34s

Calling, prototypes, and defining functions 6m 6s

Using functions in our program 4m 35s

Challenge: Move gameplay to function 1m 27s

Solution: Move gameplay to function 4m 45s


File I/O

Opening and reading from a text file 6m 41s

Open a text file to write to 3m 31s

Challenge: Write order to file 44s

Solution: Write order to file 1m 52s


Data Structures

Structs 6m 17s

Classes 7m 46s

Pointers 4m 36s

Linked lists 5m 52s

Challenge: Orders in a linked list 43s

Solution: Orders in a linked list 1m 49s



Next steps 16s





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