Let us see the step by step approach to connect Power BI to SQL Server Database. In addition to this Connect Power BI to SQL Server, how to use SQL Queries against the data present in SQL Tables with an example.
Step by Step approach to Connect Power BI to SQL Server
If you haven’t started the Power BI Desktop yet, Double click on the Power BI desktop to open. Once it is open, it looks like the below screenshot. Please click on the Get Data hyperlink
![Connect Power BI to SQL Server 1](https://www.tutorialgateway.org/wp-content/uploads/Connect-Power-BI-to-SQL-Server-1.png)
If you are in the Power BI visualization page, under the Home tab, click the Get Data option and select the SQL Server, as we showed below. Or select More options.
![Connect Power BI to SQL Server 2](https://www.tutorialgateway.org/wp-content/uploads/Connect-Power-BI-to-SQL-Server-2.png)
We are selecting More options to show you the following window. Use this window to select your desired Data source. Here, we are discussing hot to Connect Power BI to SQL Server. So, let me select the SQL Server Database Option.
![Connect Power BI to SQL Server 3](https://www.tutorialgateway.org/wp-content/uploads/Connect-Power-BI-to-SQL-Server-3.png)
Connect Power BI to SQL Server
The following are the list of available fields to fill to connect Power BI to SQL Server Database
- Server: Please provide the SQL Server Instance name. If you installed SQL with default instance, then the instance name is the computer name or localhost.
- Database: This is optional. If you want to use a custom SQL query then it is required.
- Data Connectivity Mode: Please select whether you want to import or Direct query.
![Connect Power BI to SQL Server 4](https://www.tutorialgateway.org/wp-content/uploads/Connect-Power-BI-to-SQL-Server-4.png)
Clicking the Advanced option show you the advanced properties.
![Connect Power BI to SQL Server 5](https://www.tutorialgateway.org/wp-content/uploads/Connect-Power-BI-to-SQL-Server-5.png)
You can write your own SQL query to extract data from the specified Database. To do this, write your query inside the SQL Statement box
![Connect Power BI to SQL Server 15](https://www.tutorialgateway.org/wp-content/uploads/Connect-Power-BI-to-SQL-Server-15.png)
Custom Query that we used in the above Connect Power BI to SQL Server screenshot is:
-- Connecting Power BI to SQL Server SELECT Geo.EnglishCountryRegionName AS Country, Geo.StateProvinceName AS State, SUM(Fact.SalesAmount) AS Sales, SUM(Fact.TaxAmt) AS Tax, COUNT(Fact.OrderQuantity) AS Orders FROM FactResellerSales AS Fact INNER JOIN DimSalesTerritory ON Fact.SalesTerritoryKey = DimSalesTerritory.SalesTerritoryKey INNER JOIN DimGeography AS Geo ON DimSalesTerritory.SalesTerritoryKey = Geo.SalesTerritoryKey GROUP BY Geo.EnglishCountryRegionName, Geo.StateProvinceName HAVING COUNT(Fact.OrderQuantity) > 60000
If you want to use this data, then click Load. For now, let me click the cancel button because I want to select multiple tables.
![Connect Power BI to SQL Server 16](https://www.tutorialgateway.org/wp-content/uploads/Connect-Power-BI-to-SQL-Server-16.png)
NOTE: Don’t worry above the Query, Just understand the procedure. However, If you want to learn, please refer to our SQL Server Tutorial
Let me use the local instance, and click OK
![Connect Power BI to SQL Server 6](https://www.tutorialgateway.org/wp-content/uploads/Connect-Power-BI-to-SQL-Server-6.png)
For now, we are using the current local windows credentials. If you don’t have the permission to access SQL Server, then use other person windows credential by selecting Use alternative credentials.
![Connect Power BI to SQL Server 7](https://www.tutorialgateway.org/wp-content/uploads/Connect-Power-BI-to-SQL-Server-7.png)
In real-time, we only use SQL Server Database credentials. For this, select the database and enter the username and password provided by the Admin person.
For now, I am using the current windows credentials
![Connect Power BI to SQL Server 8](https://www.tutorialgateway.org/wp-content/uploads/Connect-Power-BI-to-SQL-Server-8.png)
Under the Display options, it lists out the Databases that are available for that Instance. In this example, We are selecting the AdventureWorksDW2017 database.
You can download this database from Microsoft official Download Center or GitHub for free.
![Connect Power BI to SQL Server 9](https://www.tutorialgateway.org/wp-content/uploads/Connect-Power-BI-to-SQL-Server-9.png)
Expanding the Database folder display the available Tables and Views. Selecting the table shows the Data Preview.
![Connect Power BI to SQL Server 10](https://www.tutorialgateway.org/wp-content/uploads/Connect-Power-BI-to-SQL-Server-10.png)
From the below screenshot, you can see that we are selecting the required tables. Remember, if you are confused to select tables, then select one Measure table (Orders, or Sales) and click Select Related Tables button.
- Load: This will load data from selected tables to Power BI. As I know that the data is clean, let me click the Load button
- Edit: Click this button to alter the columns, or to cleanse the data
![Connect Power BI to SQL Server 11](https://www.tutorialgateway.org/wp-content/uploads/Connect-Power-BI-to-SQL-Server-11.png)
Please wait until the load is complete
![Connect Power BI to SQL Server 12](https://www.tutorialgateway.org/wp-content/uploads/Connect-Power-BI-to-SQL-Server-12.png)
Now you can see the Tables that we selected from the SQL Server database under the Fields section.
![Connect Power BI to SQL Server 13](https://www.tutorialgateway.org/wp-content/uploads/Connect-Power-BI-to-SQL-Server-13.png)
Expand any table to see the columns (fields) inside that table.
![Connect Power BI to SQL Server 14](https://www.tutorialgateway.org/wp-content/uploads/Connect-Power-BI-to-SQL-Server-14.png)
TIP: This is the Dataset that we are going to use in most of the Power BI tutorial.